Absolutely so sad and horrible. I hope all people get the help they need, whoever’s reading this and needs help.
Absolutely so sad and horrible. I hope all people get the help they need, whoever’s reading this and needs help.
Lanez is an idiotic excuse for a man. I guess Drake is ride or die out of “Canadian solidarity” plus being trash on principle. Dumbass.
Ridiculous, shameful dilettante.
I guess that we will see what happens.
kudos to Ms. Spencer, continued success!
Very cool. Will check it out.
so a busted now wealthy liar goes through an apology tour for faking her backstory and likely is to fail upward in white-women-loving Hollywood? Uh, yeah, miss me with all of the updates.
I hope his daughter gets the help she needs. Meanwhile, as a matter of public policy, Cruz had better vote to expand public-access mental health care access, especially for lower income people.
ABC, hire me. I’ll work for half the money and I’m a guy that women aren’t remotely interested in hitting on. Holler.
I’m here for you, Nia, if you just want to talk. It's good to have someone else to talk to.
Charge them all, embarrass them all. Jail is deserved
Dimwitted dolt. Absolutely beyond shameful that he is a “legitimate” contender to be a U.S. Senator. The contemporary Republican Party is beyond saving.
I hope is justice is done for Ms. Jefferson. Sad.
A spinoff show is called for:
An Internet based spinoff show and podcast is called for.
bastard. No sympathy for these twisted evangelical morons.
yeah I’m very much not here for this.
Truly bizarre how a black man raised in Chicago by a mom who was a brilliant college professor can evolve into an anti-intellectual, willfully ignorant mouthpiece for outright white supremacy. A shameful descent into megalomania and amoral ideologies.
Truly bizarre how a black man raised in Chicago by a mom who was a brilliant college professor can evolve into an anti-intellectual, willfully ignorant mouthpiece for outright white supremacy. A shameful descent into megalomania and amoral ideologies.
Bring her into DC or Marvel. Kudos!