Come to Detroit, where there is the best non-Canadian poutine served at select area restaurants.
Come to Detroit, where there is the best non-Canadian poutine served at select area restaurants.
I enjoyed watching No Way Home again. I hadn’t bought any video discs yet and I don’t subscribe to Starz, so seeing this in theaters was great. Betty Brant was an important character in the 1960s and 70s era of the strips, largely a peripheral character now, unfortunately.
Melissa is super cute. bring her on a Marvel comedy series or voices on a cartoon show.
don’t expect anything, since it probably won’t come out. how long was Detox teased until it just, well, was abandoned for the Compton LP?
People are dumb as hell. Especially a hell of a lot of the people who are active Twitter users.
this is why term limits are needed now. and 11 seats.
it would be great if he had a comeback album produced by folks sympathetic to his vocal style. When was his last album, by the way?
bring back Batgirl.
I hope she ends up in the movies.
He could play Old Man Frank Castle. I’m serious. Somebody make that mini series happen @Marvel.
i hope the film is commercially successful. Marvel needs to draft him to play a heroic role.
starting 20 years ago, Detroit already had their own experience with a “hip-hop mayor”. That ended up having mixed results.
nobody asked you to weep. just be respectful. she had a family.
Season Two, Luke Cage shows up, and Jennifer doesn’t have to worry about hurting someone during...
Marvel’s Hercules needs to become a hero.
case keeps getting more bizarre.. the family of the deceased deserve closure.
Go further with other heroes. Get the Milestone heroes for an ongoing series. Blood Syndicate, for one. Shadow Cabinet. Icon & Rocket. Static has a movie project which can spin off the TV shows from it.
may she rest in peace. I’m glad that I did get to meet her in recent years and get an autograph at a comic-con. We only “met” for barely 30 seconds (long line) but I’m glad to have had that time.
may she rest in peace. I’m glad that I did get to meet her in recent years and get an autograph at a comic-con. We only “met” for barely 30 seconds (long line) but I’m glad to have had that time.
I was already not shopping at Dillard’s (because they’re on the expensive end of things) and now this incident has confirmed my disinterest. Won’t be browsing there now, either.