
I was at the store tonight and they had the sweet chili Doritos on an end cap, I was considering them but ended up wussing out and going with classic nacho cheese. The last new variety I tried was those fire ones in the purple bag and they tasted like butt tossed in vinegar. Should I branch out?

OK the row starting with Bella Hadid needs to get its shit together. The theme was Catholic not Greek hot mess. However I’m all about the bigger the ruff the closer to God so that gets a pass.

Every lawyer defends at least one or two shitty people.

They thought tossing a Mormon into the Catholic theme would mix it up.

How the hell did Mitt Romney get invited?

I also don’t understand why politicians are there at all.

Everything you say about awful stuff on rise in America is true, except for part about it happening so swiftly. Abortion rules have been becoming more draconian since Nixon decided to politicize abortion to peel Catholic voters away from Kennedy, and attacking abortion turned into mania for “religious” right. “Incel”

THat would be an excellent writing prompt!

The attitude that “it couldn’t happen here” is exactly the attitude that lets it happen. Just because other places could be closer to it then us doesn’t mean this country couldn’t slide into it as well. I don’t think it would happen but Handmaidens tale can be a warning of what could happen if we let certain groups

This is an article about the Handmaid’s Tale that analyzes its inspirations and motivations for existing. Most, if not all art/media has a purpose for existing and I hate to break it to you, but eventually it’s going to connect with the real world, which means people who analyze it for a living are going to write or

Ooh, this comments section gon’ be good.

The last we see of the (I think unnamed?) woman from the cold open, she’s survived the tiger attack only to wind up in the less-than-charitable hands of the Ghost Nation. Which could be either a mean-spirited joke—congrats, you’re dead!—or could mean she’ll show up later. I hope it’s the latter.

*reads description*

Seems like the classy thing to do would have been to not bring it up at all, but I guess all’s fair in love and promotion of your Facebook talk show.

I want to meet the Bad Janet version Britney.

That is a frighteningly apt description. I was going to go with “Like a Real Doll that gained sentience”

I’m mixed , and I pass for white, so I can’t claim to speak for black women everywbere (not that I can name anyone who can, but...) but the old style turbans I’m talking about don’t remind me of my aunties in Arkansas the day before they wash and set their hair. It reminds me of old Hollywood.see examples if it helps.

Mixed race (and poc) families get all kinds of shot from well meaning (and no so well meaning people. Not trying to call you out, but your immediate thought was that the kid was adopted, but with no real reason for it. It gets tiring.