
This is going to be unpopular; Homer is a dick. He’s selfish and lazy and complacent. Yeah I know he does kind things occasionally but mostly he’s a dick. He’s the guy who treats you like shit, does one nice thing, and uses it as leverage the other 99% of the time. If Homer was a real guy, you would want nothing to do

I literally just sent my husband this link with the message “hey I guess that stupid Longmire storyline was a real thing.”

+1 awesome business card

Because he’s literally a villain from a 1980's teen movie set in the Valley.

He triggers my uncanny valley response, like he’s a very well-made robot that doesn’t quite have the whole “being human” thing down yet.

Am I the only one who doesn’t love his face? His body is killer, though, absolutely.

I’m disappointed too. The actor looks enough like him in the face (I don’t think his upper body is quite built up enough for that stage in Roosevelt’s life, he’s only a few years out from the Rough Riders). But you nailed it with the lack of passion and sweeping up everyone around him. I loved the way he was portrayed

I seem to forget most of what happened moments after the show ends. It’s just not making much of an impression beyond the sometimes over-indulgent cinematography.

She’s sensational. I had to watch it twice, she was so great.

Sue gun manufacturers out of existence with frivolous lawsuits.

I love how he blames the Democrats for not doing something he doesn’t want done. What a time to be alive.

It gives me incredible hope that the latest generation is probably motivated to finally get shit done, something that my generation and the generations before them seem to have lacked.

This generation is going to burn down the NRA and they are going to do it with Social Media.

I’ll say it if someone hasn’t already: money does not buy taste. Those glasses are not right for her face shape, plus they’re ugly.

I’m sorry but... that fucking Duggar hair. 🤢🤢🤢

I do this to my husband and his friends. They all now know WAY more about vintage clothing than they ever wanted to do and they are NOT very interested. Seriously though, does anyone realize the tailoring it took to create cocktail dresses before designers had access to elastic and acrylic fabrics?