
"If it came down to a choice of buy health coverage, or be turned away at the hospital. I rather be turned away! People are meant to die, its called Population Control. If it's my time to go, then so be it."

Thank you. The "marriage is just a piece of paper" argument is very frustrating to me. If that were truly the case, you won't see gay/lesbian folks fighting so hard for marriage equality.

"human rights should always trump cultural traditions."

I used to do that, but then I realized it's not a sustainable process for me. I'm still in my mid 20s, but decided to stop before it takes further toll on my body and mind.

I miss MadTV so much

I lived in China for a few years when I was a teenager and I'm so so so glad I no longer live there as an adult.

I'm the same way. If I said yes to your invite, I will very likely come to your event, unless there's a real emergency or I'm really really sick.

If it has a "do not disturb" option, I'll be all for it.

I'm leaving Chicago in a few months... although I wish I could stay.

What the hell is going on in the midwest?

That's it, I'm starting my own religion.

Eh, I can't grow facial hair and I'm not bothered by it at all.

Shut up, queen.

Is it right? Probably not.

oh wow, talk about nostalgic!

Don't forget... "congratulations, you're still in the running towards becoming antm".

"... kids do better growing up in a mother/father home."

I think he might lose a few swing states, but still come out a winner.

Heh, that sounds like my commute. I take the bus/train though, so at least I can read/sleep during the commute.

I do see progress in the last few years, but sometimes it seems like "one step forward, one step back". After a while I'm just sick of it.