CSB radio

Oh god the comment section there…

Hello all! I don't have a conventional playlist but I'm halfway through it and it's pretty good. An NPR station (KCRW-Los Angeles) made a David Bowie tribute that's 3 hours. The DJ blabbers a bit too much but at least it's about the music.

So in these places regular citizens aren't allowed to own a gun?


"It doesn't happen very much" is what he means.
Being able to buy one—no background check—on the internet is worse.

Pretty sure that was about making it more difficult to get a gun.
Fascism would be "you will not buy a gun; it will be impossible to buy a gun; it will be illegal to own a gun".

*Fargo voice* Okay then.
Drop: Dr Ken
Swap: CSI: Cyber
Add: Telenovela, Mike & Molly, X-Files, American Idol, Of Kings & Prophets

I'm not too late for this non-current week, right?
Drop: Dr Ken
Swap: American Idol
Add: Telenovela, Mike & Molly, X-Files, Shades of Blue, Of Kings & Prophets

I had to find this and apparently it's a joke. From the description in the avc guide:

If it makes you feel better he gets an average of just a smidge over 2 upvotes per comment.

On drop day, does the replacement show erase all point history of the dropped show? In other words, when someone drops Dr. Ken, are those losses going to be sustained?

Ha! Especially when one factors in that my grandma who doesn't believe in the Earth's age even when presented with the evidence of tectonic plates and sand formation thought she was absolutely "stupid".

I hear that. Mine's solidly in the "Obama's a Muslim non-American etc. etc. etc." camp.

She actually was referring to pig parts so congratulations on making that grosser. D:

Joking aside, the pineapple and tomato IMO are fruits in food because I think in terms of science. Actually? I have no idea.

Are we sure it's not a parade float?

My "socially unacceptable" aunt (as we called her) told my sister and I that they're "pig lips, anus, foreskins"

Non-sequitur: My aunt is so gullible she actually believes some facebook shit that hot dogs are pigs thrown whole into a grinder.

Well, the pineapple is a conifer*/fruit combo and the tomato—
*conifer was renamed pinophyte but no one cares