
Nerd camp was probably the best thing that ever happened to me. Just saying.

@arj8138: It was a christmas present. I did crack the screen past the warranty date though, so I'm in the market for a new music player. I'm going to wait to see if they make the nanos hold more before getting an ipod classic

I have an iPhone and an iPod touch. People are always asking me why I bother with both.

@Canon7D-Fanboy: Yeah, people sure love it when Google integrates new and confusing features into Gmail by default...

This has happened to me so many times. One night I came home (tipsy, I will admit) and took a shower, and when I got out I noticed that some of my veins looked really blue. I thought it would be interesting/funny to look up what that might indicate...

My mom dropped me off yesterday, stuck around for a night, and we went out to lunch today. Honestly I felt like that 24 hours was a bit too long (when she asked me for the third time how I liked my roommate), but there are kids on my floor right now who have parents hanging out in their rooms.

@TraderCoz: Yeah, while I'm not an upper class male, I definitely use watches as a fashion statement. And having the time on my wrist is so much more convenient than having to reach into my purse and get my cellphone out!

Um... I'm one of these '14-ers... and I definitely get the wristwatch thing. I'm wearing a wristwatch right now. Do people not wear wristwatches anymore? Did I miss something?

I feel like having such a sweet paper towel dispenser would make me want to use more paper towels. And then I'd probably kill a lot of trees.

True story: When I was little (like, somewhere between 2 and 4), my dad was gone so much that I begun calling him "Uncle Don"

WHOA you mean girls in high school like sex? And drink? And some of them do drugs?

wow. it takes me sooooo long to look at the little plus and minus signs. this is such an exciting discovery.

You know what would be great? If hulu worked outside the U.S. Those of us overseas are forced to put up with megavideo's questionable legality and, more importantly, 72 minute maximum.

The only problem I see with making the pill OTC is this- There are always those people who take the pill while they're in a relationship, stop when they break up with whomever, and then have sex with their ex (or someone else entirely) and get pregnant.

John McCain?

"We knew men were nads-obsessed..."

Hey, I'm 18. And so being 17 is in pretty recent memory.

I just had this conversation with one of my friends. Her mom is like that, and she's terrified of taking risks—she's adopted all of her mother's random neuroses. We live in the DC area, and have been driving for a few years, and she had never driven to Georgetown until yesterday. She was afraid of M street. For those

@bookling: Haha my high school graduation is in three weeks, and they've told us the exact same thing. I'm trying to look for some sandal-pumps right now so I can still be tall and not die.