
when I was fifteen, I gave my boyfriend my facebook password (not as an act of affection, but just because he wanted to know and it didn't occur to me not to give it to him - I never got his). This was all fine until we broke up, I ranted to a friend of mine from out of town about what a jerk he was, and he logged on

For Hunger Games fans - does this look like District 13 or IS THIS DISTRICT 13??

I agree so hard re: "bullying". Bullying is what happened when the older kids told me I couldn't use the swingset because the swingset was theirs. This behavior is harassment, period.

I love her for the same reason. I don't care what other nonsense she got involved in (when I was in the thick of an ED i made bad decisions too. Desperate times/desperate measures, mental-health wise). I love anyone who will call people out on jokes like that. So strong.

re: miscarriage, they want to be able to.

This movie is STELLAR. Everyone reading this should find it somewhere and watch the whole thing.

Tequila-scented shampoo sounds like the kind of thing that would eventually induce hungover-me to vomit in the shower. No thanks.

I do sort of feel like running around in uniform skirts with not much underneath is problematic, though. When I was a youngin and had to wear kilts to middle school, we all wore shorts or athletic spandex underneath. Mostly because 13 year old boys are pervy, but also so we could run around and not flash anyone by

I suppose so. I was never terrified of detention, but it was definitely a pain to have to clean whiteboards and stuff (if I recall correctly, I was there a couple times for consistently wearing socks that did not cover my ankles). I was more afraid of telling my parents they'd have to pick me up late though - it was

So I went to a private high school where we wore (awful) plaid skirts as part of the uniform. The hemlines were meant to fall no higher than three inches above the knee (although, where is the top of the knee, really? this was a point of great contention in my teenage years), and girls who consistently wore skirts

I've seen world maps like that in the states... pretty much all the time. Also, ugly posters. Also, poorly dressed middle aged women.

*warning - rant ahead*

Fatal Lives!

Can I just object to the first paragraph up there?

I just joined your fanclub, Morning Gloria.

Can I just say that I haven't found this to be true at all?

I hate it when the media gets confused about causation.

I'd always assumed it was a fact of life that in high school, there are teachers that kids really don't like. And they're going to talk about it.

My dad used to use this to make us impatient kids calm down if we were at the grocery store or in gridlock traffic. He'd turn it into a math problem too.