
What...the fucking HELL?! is wrong with some people???

Loving that you put this up after the Kardashian push present post.

I think it’s good to see abortions on tv. I think it makes it seem normal so people don’t have to feel so bad for having one.

YEAH WTF. Kitchenette is like 90% of why I’m even here... and I know I’m not alone.

Lard is amazing for pastry. It might kill you in the heart but it’s delicious and death from Lard is not the worst way to go.

I don’t want to fight you, you just seem like you badly need a hug.

I had open-heart surgery as a toddler, 40 years ago. The scar is very prominent and I make no attempts to cover it. I’ve had it all my life so it’s not a traumatic thing for me, and I still will make up stuff like this sometimes because it’s not random person on the street’s business.

Can you take a friend with you who can say “Woah, that’s totally inappropriate!”? Because I would be that friend.

My life makes so much sense. I’m sleep depriving myself now so I can get into a good college and graduate quickly so I can get a good job that sleep deprives me so that I will have enough money to retire so I can sleep as much as I want. But by that point I’ll either be dead because lack of sleep killed me or I won’t

Damn, hooking a 23-year-old in your 50s. Way to go, girl!

*As a VERB. Fuck me.

The Reuben one reminded me of a story Terry Pratchett told. He said that one jet-lagged evening he accidently asked for Three Mile Island dressing for his salad. The waitress didn’t say a word, just brought him Thousand Island dressing and a bottle of hot sauce.

I am personally staunchly against sinking to a dirty person’s level, but in this case, I’d be willing to make an exception.

True. Jake gets my heart all a-titter.

I seriously thought that was 2 seasons, not 1. Holy Crap a lot happened.

This is the best. Also - this was the text conversation this morning about the premier between my wife and I:

I appreciate the work that went in to writing this. Are you ok? Have some wine.