
I have so much respect for this guy, and I am happy to have taken the five minutes out of my life to read this. I had no idea that he had this kind of story, I hope he completes his goals in life and has a much easier life than he has had in the past.

I know the framerate is locked at 30, but I sometimes feel like the game runs smoother now that they added the 1080p native.

PS3 you say?

It's really noticable when you actually play the game. I didnt expect to find any difference, but found that it was like wiping the sleep form your eyes. Everything just became more clear and visible.

Bloody Roar!

Maybe its in regards to the PS being 720p.

Is there something in the GOTY edition of BL2 that the season pass does not have? Wouldn't it just be cheaper to buy the standalone game and the season pass? Sense this does not make.

It's fairly easy to move the rig itself. The hardest thing is the accessories and monitor in my opinion. You can even get carry bags that keep it nice and protected from drops and what-not.

I live in shitty California, sooo hopefully soon.

I'll get right on that (and I'm even from there).

I'll get right on that (and I live in CA).

Yea but literally any bad news in the past 2 years has been out of Florida.

That is amazing. You are a true American hero.

No offense to any of the good people in Florida, but when is that state going to float off to sea and never bother America again.

No offense to any of the good people in Florida, but when is that state gonna float off to sea and never bother America again.

You are forgiven.

Now those were games for casual people. I know people who hated sports that played the hell out of those games.

FIFA and NHL in my opinion are the only things they can do well. Madden sucks without competion and has been the same game with minor improvements here and there for the past 6 years. I still want more from EA sports titles though, I want to feel like I am watching a game while I play one and EA's NHL series and

I was mostly hoping for the NCAA football games, totally forgot they used to make basketball games. lol

Ive seen footage of people playing both over the "Live with PlayStation" app and Live is not a good looking game. I gave it a chance and was one of those people rooting for the "underdog" but Live falls short in all aspects when compared to 2K. Presentation, animations, the realism is not there when you compare them.