
I have had my Steam profile since September 11th 2005; so I celebrated yesterday. I remember going to EB Games just to buy half life complete and play CS with some friends. I really loved Steam back then, and seeing this old interface has brought back a lot of nostalgia for me. Thanks once again Luke, you always know

I know A LOT of people that are the epitome of the gamer stereotype.

I ALWAYS clean my controllers, cant stand when the seam gets dirty enough for you to use a toothpick to scrape it out. I also hate when my friends have "guest" controllers that they gave up cleaning years ago. Rude.

Is this a promo for that new Sandra Bullock movie?

Cause I was probably 5 and played it on the SEGA Channel haha.

I have always loved this game, yet could never remember what it was called. Thank you Luke. You are a gentleman and a scholar.

"But the release of this figure has been enough to shoot Grand Theft Auto IV" I assume you meant Grand Theft Auto V.

This pleases me

All of my manliness would have seeped out of my eyes.

As do I, but I also doubt he is the only one from Kotaku at PAX.

My question is, why send someone who knows nothing about Pokemon to do an article on it. Nothing against you Jason, just would rather have someone who is familiar with all the games to explain the new mechanics.

Does anyone remember the article that popped up a few weeks back about the girl that stayed up too late and was falling asleep eating her breakfast? This reminded me of that and I cannot for the life of me find that video, any help would be greatly appreciated!

Simple ... both for me.


I hate that you can't spell existence. But hey man live your life!

That'd be crazy, Looking up at the bright lights, and actually hearing whats on the field. It would have to be done perfect, which is probably not possible.

I wholeheartedly agree, I enjoyed Backbreaker. While it didn't have the NFL license, it did a real great job at making me feel like I was playing football. Madden doesn't have impact, they need competition, there is nothing to push that series further in terms of game play.

I tend to agree with the reception. It doesn't fit that games world, I appreciate that every Zelda game is different and that's what I like. They aren't supposed to be the same, its the Hero of Time legend.

I like to look at it like this: There is one TRUE story, but as stories get told things change.

I'd say it's due to the lack of video game news. We are in the dry season of gaming and everything we know about next gen has already been stated. I appreciate Kotaku for giving me gems like this.

Just wish I could buy it. :(