
Loved it. Topical and hit the right beats. Biggest disappointment was the last third was a bit of a letdown from the opening 2/3. Are these all jewel perfect sketches, no. Did they have me laughing and cringing along with them? Yeppers, absolutely.
Definitely looking forward to the rest of the season

Actually, octaroon came out as Archer was correcting Ivy for calling AJ a quadroon, and then saying they (he and Lana) don't go for labeling, which Ivy of course immediately blew off. So that was Archer calling out Ivy on his racism on both technical and social morality grounds. First, you're using the wrong term,

At first, I thought she was half of Shane and Sia, the Barbie twins, who had four great talents between the two of them. Maybe they'd added a fifth when Sia learned to sing? Alas, it was not to be.

Not great, not bad. Another C- in a long list of them. Unusual for this cast, but far from odd for SNL. These are the people that hosted Andrew Dice Clay, a man so offensive members of the cast boycotted him. Trump may be bad, but he freely admits he truly believes what he's saying. Clay made bad jokes (eg. child