Um, where are the white women laughing over this? The consensus opinion is clearly that it's awful.
Um, where are the white women laughing over this? The consensus opinion is clearly that it's awful.
I guess that settles it then. Men aren't funny. :(
I seem to recall from history that babies died all the time prior to the advent of formula due to mothers not being able to breastfeed or babies not being able to latch. We used to pay women who could nurse because many women couldn't. What an absolute load of crap.
Here's a crazy ass idea: How about we just stop telling women what to do with their bodies. In any scenario. Why is this so hard to grasp?
"It may come out anyway, or through your armpits," another advised later when I was doing the usual post-labor, slow-recovery walk through the hospital halls.
How about people mind their own business? There some judgy folks out there. Holy shit.
I'm sorry but am I reading this correctly? A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL advised her that milk would come out OF HER ARMPITS??!! This issue has now jumped the shark and I think we can all go home because we're clearly done here.
Crap science. MRI is an overly sensitive study on living breasts, I'm sure nobody knows the specificity on mummified, 2400 year old breasts.
Adam Levine is a Hypercolor shirt that displeased Jesus and it's punishment is being Adam Levine.
and diet coke and suchwhat does not = cancer
We did it twice on our wedding night. Is that weird? Once the second we got in the door. (blush) and again after I finished getting the five million bobby pins out of my hair, because I was going to put that white negligee to use, damn it.
Yes, I acknowledged that I misinterpreted your comment when someone pointed it out to me, but I could no longer edit my own comment. Sorry to have caused you such exasperation.
She named her next 2 cats "Lipstick" and "Smokey," so she did get better at the naming thing with time.
The orca, aka the elephant of the seas, has also been known to "mourn" both in captivity and in the wild. If these animal reactions are simply "instinct", who is to say that the same can't be said for our emotions?
It's because people (not persons, people) are selfish, as a whole. We thought the universe revolved around us. No? Well, it CERTAINLY revolves around our sun. No? Oh, well our solar system is in the middle, right?
We don't want to admit that maybe other mammals (or non mammals) could have sentience, and intelligence…
I take that back then and now love this name very much.
I watched a documentary on Koko and the other gorilla who could sign (who's name escapes me) and when Kok's cat All Ball died, she cried. Like, break your heart cried. I believe that Koko watched Robin Williams movies before she met him. I think I remember from the video she had the VHS and pointed back and forth from…
"Animals and humans both experience joy and sadness throughout their life."