
G is crazy! I read the recaps on io9 and elsewhere, and he/she’s actually not the only one that felt that way - I was bamboozled that people were bored/annoyed by it. I just really thought it was a beautifully done “story within a story” type ep. 

As a guy, I’m not ashamed to admit that I used to watch Rom Coms. I enjoyed a good Meg Ryan movie.

But then I eventually switched to pornography; it gives just as many unrealistic expectations but doesn’t take up nearly as much of my time.

What’s funny is that a coworker of mine (D) was several episodes behind and listened to another coworker’s (G) advice to skip Kiksuya since “it was a boring episode that didn’t have anything to do with the main story” so D could catch up faster.

You are describing the plot of You’ve Got Mail.

If you’re calling this gaslighting, I wonder if you actually know what gaslighting is?

She is amazing!!! She totally stole that show including James Marsden’s butt!

If you do, it’ll be delivered by this:

Came to see gross photos, left disappointed.

I was saying yesterday that it’s like throwing a handful of seeds down to distract a vampire til sunrise. As a liberal, it’s a bummer to see so many other liberals fall for such an easy tactic. 

Damn, he was in talks to direct Guardians of the Galaxy 3

Is this really an issue? Comedians push boundaries in a lot of ways. I won’t defend the content of his post. The title alone is enough to repulse me-let alone the gag-inducing description in the article. But at least he recognized how offensive it was right away and removed it from the Internet.

I call him Governor Voldemort.

Because Lex is gonna win, and our state is gonna go for Trump in ‘20, again... being a Floridian means being disappointed in your state around 95% of the time. *sighs from Tampa*

It’s kind of like being racist when high on ambien.

Now playing

The last part of last night’s episode, where Cohen went to a small Arizona town pretending to be an investor bringing $300 million dollars into their town, only to reveal at a town meeting that he was actually building the largest mosque in the world (funded by the Clinton Foundation, lol) was another-level trolling.

I’ve been on the internet too long, I legit can’t tell if you’re joking or not.

A medical emergency we shouldn’t be laughing at, at least I hope so.

...getting exercise through fun activities like dancing and using food choices as a way to make yourself healthy and strong.

Keith Richards. Cockroaches and Keith Richards.