
Lean? Is it like sizzurp?

I can’t ride the dick of a man that is ignorant, uneducated, negatively cultural and an embarrassment to be with, talk to or be seen with because of his tremendous lack of just the act of being. Ignoramuses are a complete turn off for me. As well as a deadbeat. That totally makes me dry as paper.

Jesus Christ who said anything about partners, for fucks sake? Can’t a woman just ride the dick for a minute and go?

Reminder to those who live further north: Air-conditioning is a luxury [that no one wants to live without] in, say, northern Illinois. It’s a necessity in Louisiana.

This is like not providing heat in a Minnesota winter.

Excellent news. That should lead to so many cancellations that we’ll all be able to get tickets now.

That’s a very weak rickroll.

Sanders staying in the race isn’t sexist, but it is delusional AF.

His choice to stay in the race is not sexist. His reactions to several women reporters have been sexist.

oh dear god everyone run and hide from this comment section like your lives depend on it


Transformers 6: The Rise of Meryl Streep

Yeah you don’t want to end up Street Fighter’d.

clearly there is a long term plan here. My guess is this:

“this might bring out the A-game for the script/story.”

If transformers was good enough for Spock, it's good enough for Hannibal.

I assume he owns castles and those aren’t cheap. STRAIGHT CASH HOMIE

Maybe it’s just a voice role. He can maintain integrity that way. Otherwise I will look down upon him unless after the film he proceeds to eat Michael Bay’s liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.

Even as a thirteen-year old I didn’t want to be with a thirteen-year old guy.