
Whoa. First edition and first printing is worth good money! Good for you and happy hunting. Isn’t it so much fun?!

So I feel the need to share this with other Martha fans. Anybody else remember Martha By Mail? Long before the internet and such, she operated a business via catalogue and phone. Anyways, Saturday I was at a thrift shop and found her yellow ware three piece mixing bowls. The entire set priced for $8. I nearly screamed

Patrick Stewart is fabulous!!!

Can we add musicians? If so, I’d like to nominate Mick Jagger.

Was it the first Pirates film where he jumped the shark and became a parody of himself...or was it earlier?

I would have picked Tom Hanks as the last celebrity person to commit DV.

“a girl who goes through some unbelievable shit.”

I really liked The X-Files reboot. It was the band back together doing what they do. I hope they keep doing it for awhile longer.

I love Moore she is always fantastic,and I love Foster’s Clarice.

I don’t bother remembering celebs real names anymore. Jody F= Clarice and Helen H was the wife in the whiny couple show. You don’t want to hear me and my husband do “TV show genealogy.”

Probably not. My 17 year old cousin didn’t know who Gwyneth Paltrow was/is. Some “old wife of a rocker” or something. Jeez.

I was about to say, “I DO!” but then realized that I’m not under 30.

Samuel L. Jackson can relate to that story.

Actually, I take that back. Ian McKellen.

All these comments are exactly what he was making fun of in the first place. Lol...

Everything is better with Jeff Goldblum.

I thought they already cast Stan Lee...

I know my calculus!

Ok, but 2gether 4life. (Does anyone else remember MTV’s 2gether? Or am I too much of an old for it to resonate with this audience?) It was so rad, they actually opened shows for Britney Spears in character.