
That climactic scene where they were spilling the conspiracy to her was so funny because it looked like she was stuck at the thanksgiving table with her WORST relatives.

Man, next you’ll be saying that Kylo Ren doesn’t have an 8-pack. That Kylo Ren isn’t shredded.

I actually rewatched the series recently and... after a viewing without my annoyance at him being gone, I liked the last, what... 2 and a half seasons without him. I love Mulder, but I think the show still worked without Duchovny. Okay... except for that weird, bad Brady Bunch episode...

Back in the 1990s, Duchovny was a bigger star. In 2015, she had just been in The Fall, which is fucking amazing (and mostly because of her amazing performance).

Hard Times

My face as I thought too deeply about Larry and Hef in the mansion. It would be the old, pornman version of Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?.

I’m just picturing a coroner looking down at you, shaking his head in weary resignation and muttering, “When, oh when, will these kids learn?”

eh it’s ok. my husband likes it but i think it’s a hassle. i’d rather just give him a bj and the have him go down on me (in whatever order).

Creed is lame. I said it, i’ll say it again if I have to. That said, if my Pats lose on Sunday, I will become an avid Carolina supporter. Cam Newton has become one of my favorite players. Dude is just balling but also having fun doing it despite dealing with some really racist bullshit along the way. I would love to

It’s what we do in Minnesota. You asked. We kill people and dispose of the bodies in wood chippers until Frances McDormand sees our car...

I am a Californian and this makes the least sense. Do they leave the pants there? Pants are expensive. Plus isn’t that littering? I am so happy that I woke up and it was 50° outside.

Plus, I’m just not a fan of Harley looking like she’s attending The Gather of Juggalos.

Nothing will ever, ever excuse or mitigate that “Damaged” tattoo

Ugh. That’s gross. I can’t believe people still listen to Blink 182

*sigh* I miss Mark.

Three Weeks Later: Jezebel is sorry to announce that Jia has died due to shitting her entire digestive system out of her body.