
Or you get into a state like Marvel where their movies started off so unique and well-recieved. But then there became so damn many superhero movies that even a “good” movie like Ant-Man is considered to be bad just because it’s not as critically acclaimed as the first Avengers or financially big as something like Iron

Yeah they did kind of go rogue this year, with Mozart in the Jungle and Wolf Hall and whatnot. I like the Globes for the way they honor comedies, and I found it disappointing that they let the Martian game that. Happy that they went rogue for Mr. Robot though, because that show is great. Regarding DiCaprio, though:

I guess it’s too late now to say sorry?

“I can’t act...”

I’m in for the soundtrack alone. I love some good synthy 80’s cocaine music.

I don’t need to see more of you naked.


Oh sweetie, your sarcasm seems to be broken.

Ageism does affect men but not as much as women. And I think the reason for that is that up to a few years ago, men did not have to be that dependent on their looks to catch most movie roles. They had to be able to act. Now, that’s slowly changing when even comedic actors are expected to be able to do shirtless scenes

Well not everything has a nefarious meaning behind it, I think people are overreacting to her statement.

Whatever is normal for you is normal for you. If you didn’t need PP then that’s cool, but that doesn’t negate the fact that plenty of teens do. It is completely normal for some teens to have sex. Just as it’s

can I have a cookie? I’m 34, not wildly successful, but I haven’t had any children.

I was coming here to say the same thing. I guess in my world not having kids when you’re 25 is the norm.

I’m 44 and have never had a pregnancy....I get a cookie? Sweet!

I used to skateboard as a kid, I haven’t skateboarded since 18, so for 20 years now. Does that mean I’m still a skateboarder even if I can’t ride a board without breaking both my ankles?

Oh great, now we’re going to get Sexy Cannibal Rat costumes for Halloween this year.

It’s a rat-eat-rat world.

Don’t hate, but I’m really excited for BvS, as well as Suicide Squad.

X-Files season ten!