
My oldest (10th Grader) is studying the Victorian Era in Honors History, so I call her in and show her the article, she gets two paragraphs and one picture and says “I hate them already””

It’s good to be white.

What I liked about the movie Midnight In Paris was Owen Wilson’s character fetishizing the Roaring 20s, and then literally getting a chance to live in the time period he so fetishized, all to fall in love with a woman who fetishized an even earlier time—and, one that he didn’t understand.

If these were just a couple of lucky rich people who decided they wanted to live their lives as Victorian-era cosplayers...well, I’d find that odd, but fuck, it’s their time and money and it doesn’t hurt anyone. You want to play dress up with your life and you have the money to do it? God bless.

White People.

At least she isn’t allowed to vote.

Generation Xers were the original entitled narcissists.*

where is this from because I had a shirt exactly like it in highschool and stupidly threw it out and now I wish I hadn’t. I NEED MY YOUTH BACK NOW PLS

WheRe eVerYthIng is WriTTen LiKe tHis!

Add a headband with a couple rhinestone flowers, and this is straight out of a 1992 Delia’s catalog. Oh sorry, Delia*s.

Yep. “Wait Wait” is available as a free podcast, though. Go forth and listen to the Kurtis.

Hopefully you’ll join us at my post-VMA’s dinner. Yeezus is absolutely perfect dining ambiance.

Imma let you finish Hannibal, but Jack the Ripper was the best serial killer of all time. Of all time!

If the effing FBI did its job properly, this show would have lasted two episodes max.

There are some women in Hollywood, among them Gillian Anderson, Julia Louis-Dreyfuss, Jane Fonda, and Julianne Moore, who either have pictures in attics somewhere growing more hideous by the year, or have found the best plastic surgeon in the galaxy (and Beverly Hills).

EVERY SINGLE MIDNIGHT SHOWING I've ever been too has been interrupted by the cry of a VERY small infant. Sometimes only days old. WHY?!

I wish you had a video of the beer being spilled on the baby, because I'm a terrible person.