
Aziz already released a statement about this like the day after this woman’s story broke:

I’m not saying there aren’t things to worry about in the media and art. Like yes we should bring light to the Harvey Weistiens or Louis CKs of the entertainment industry. But in the process of that, people forgot to scoop the babies out of the bathwater. I’m still mad Aziz Ansari is having rebuild his career because

Yep. I have a love/hate relationship with Florida. However I am the only one who is allowed to hate on it. Anyone else who hates on it from out of state, I’m like “Don’t even!”

I hear that one a lot too.

Now playing

I’m getting tired of people having to apologize for stupid shit like this when we have real stuff we should be focusing on. This is why Democrats lose elections we’re too busy clutching our pearls and being the PC police on weird comedy and art. I’m glad I came of age in the 90s when people got mad at Beavis and

Our current governor in Florida is Lex Luthor and is running against our only Democrat National representative who is up for re-election and we are truly scared shitless down here that Lex Luthor will win.

The water in the slide is red from blood.

Also, any asshole can design a rollercoaster/ride, as anyone who’s played RollerCoaster Tycoon can attest to,

Here’s a little internet blurb with a simple here’s how physics works 101 diagram. Like I didn’t even take physics in high school, but I took astronomy for liberal arts and even I’m like how fucking dumb are you:

If you live in a state like California or Florida, your parks are probably fine because Disney is setting the standards.

You can go down that google rabbit hole if you want. I’ve seen the pictures.

Arizona is worse than Florida. Arizona didn’t become a state until 1912. They don’t even have the Civil War excuse to fall back on.

What makes this 1000 times worse is this isn’t Cohen’s first time around the block. He had “Da Ali G Show” on HBO in the late 90s/early 00s and then made two huge movies, “Borat” and “Bruno” based off of two characters on that show and he did the same exact thing.

I died during those comments.

Really this is the hill you’re going to die on? In this post?

Now playing

It’s 5 Cockroaches and Keith Richards.

I went to Sally Beauty Supply and talked with the lady there. I used Ion Brand which I think is their house brand. You have to buy the color and the developer separately there. But the workers there are so knowledgeable. My color was a hot mess when I went there I had three different shades of blonde going on, it look

Oh man FST!!! My sister’s a professional actress and she was in a production of Spamalot there. She loves getting into local shows so she doesn’t have to couch surf and can just stay in her apartment with her husband. However most of the time she’s couch surfing in Florida. She’s stopped saying she needs housing

I got in an online argument the other day (my first in forever since I purged all Republicans from my friends feed) but this girl happened to be a friend of a friend. Here’s part of what she said copied and pasted: