
Man don’t do Snoop dirty like that. Especially after I came across this the other day:

It’s so crazy the pressure to breatfeed these days. When I was born in 84 the doctors asked my mom if she was going to breastfeed me and when she said she didn’t want to, they gave her pills to dry up her milk and a shitload of coupons for formula.

I had that Krumm action figure and his eyes were attached by strings. I also had a plush Krumm and you could remove his eyes because they were attached by velcrow. I was in 6th grade when I was enamored with that show. However by the end of the year I was getting too cool for Nickelodeon. However I still got to watch

All I know is if somebody does another damn adaption of “Jane Eyre” before somebody does an adaption of “Villette” I’m going to be pissed. “Villette” is Charlotte Bronte’s best novel and there was like one 5 part TV series of it in 1970 and that’s it. And you can’t even track it down to watch.

At least twice. The shitty Masterpiece theatre one and there’s a modern adaptation coming out in the fall. The modern adaptation actually looks good and actually looks like it’s sticking closer to the source material than any other adaptation. As a Louisa May Aclott nerd, who did half her undergrad thesis on Little

Why do you guys hate fun? I’m all about fighting for womens rights, after all I’m a woman and these things are near and dear to me, but I watched the first episode and laughed until I cried. With the way this country is right now this show was a great catharsis. All these republicans are like “He tricked me into

I’m not surprised. I forget all the exact details, but there has been some guy pushing for the police to release all the crime scene photos because he’s a journalist and has a right to them or whatever. Courtney and Frances have been filing count claims against this because once these photos are out there is no

You say that but you should see the vile people spit about Courtney in relation to Kurt’s death. There have been documentaries made that make it look like she had people kill him.

IDK...maybe just go to the gyno enough to catch things early? We had this little old lady who lived across the street from us and she needed a hysterectomy bad. Her uterus kept prolapsing out of her vagina. Her kids would be like we’re taking you to the doctor. She’d just push everything back up and be like, “I’m

They are fugly. Those of us who have been wearing sensible shoes for years do not wear fugly shoes. I wear shoes with amazing arch support that crescendo into a two inch heel so it’s kind of chunky. Besides I’ve found if I wear straight flat shoes it’s just as bad if I wore 5 inch heels.

Yeah. She totally deserves to be considered lead. But they get to pick which category they want to be nominated for and she probably picks supporting on purpose for reasons. I hope it pays off.

She did mention she’s seen grey vaginas. And I was just like what!?!?

The Guest Actor and Actresses weren’t included in The Muse post earlier and so I would like to add if Cameron Britton doesn’t win for “Mindhunter” there is no justice in this world. 

And what is it? The fact that I have to pay to reach more customers, I have to pay to reach the higher paying customers? The fact that it’s a fucked system that I’d have to fork over all this money and I might not even make any?

Yeah! I forget what movie it was but she yelled at the guy and said she’d walk out if he continued to treat the young actress like that. I also love how she’s always just gone back and forth from indie/arthouse to big blockbusters.

How did I not know Bustle was started by this kind of asshole dude? I feel dirty.

Oh I missed that. Thanks for the update.

I have the biggest girl crush ever on Julianne Moore. She’s so beautiful. I love how grounded she is and she’s been open about her depression. I also love how she can glam it up and grunge it and doesn’t make a big deal out of either. And thanks to being a L’Oreal spokesmodel (or whatever) they finally made a nude

My Gyno Nurse Practitioner once while giving me a pap smear exclaimed “It’s so nice to see a healthy pink vagina for once!” I was like “Excuse me?” She replied, “I deal with so many old women who don’t take care of themselves, it’s a nice change.” I live in Florida and when I go there I’m usually the only person under