
The Amazing Race wins that every year.

I’m guessing you did not watch Westworld and was not blown away by Thandie Newton this season.

I’m mad that Thandie Newton is in Best Supporting Actress when she should be in Best Actress but I also know they get to pick their category. So that said she has a chance of winning because Maeve was the most amazing thing ever this season!!! is a nightmare to navigate. I own cats but I’ve also been cat-sitting for my mentors for over 10 years and recently started bird-sitting for my other mentor. She was like bird-sitters are hard to find you can probably market those skills. So I went on there like “Yes, I got a 15 year old conure to love me!”

Oh I realized you might have been talking about Hannibal and not Sharp Objects. But again that book will be 20 years old next year. And knowing what I revealed doesn’t make up for the emotional intensity of the last chunk of the book. I knew going in they ended as lovers and knew all these people hated but for me it

A spoiler alert for a book that’s over 1o years old? I didn’t ruin the ending I just discussed a minor thing that’s like two pages in the book.

Where have you read Thomas Harris hated Jodie Foster? He send everybody who won Oscars a case of champagne and he purposely did not watch “The Silence of the Lamb” film until he finished writing “Hannibal” because he did not want any of the actors interpretations to ruin his view and mind creations of his own

I thought about Amy Adams age too because Camille is supposed to be in her early 30s. But lately there have been older actresses playing younger roles and they look younger so I’m all for it! It’s refreshing than seeing a 25 year old trying to play a 33 year old. At least a 4o year old knows what it feels like to be

yes, there is a sickness in this mindset and even stephen king noted it years ago.

Why are you getting a mortgage when your tone seems to say “YES I PAID OFF MY DEBT! sigh now I need to get more. *sadface*” Like there’s nothing out there that says you HAVE to own a house. It’s this lie we’ve been told that having property is good.  Why not enjoy being free of the burden for a few more years? Why not

I love Argentina.

Why though?

Can I get them to give it to my parents and then my parents write me a check while I’m still living with them rent free? It would be like the ultimate Millienial thing ever then. This sounds like a slick burn but it’s also a self burn.

I feel ya. But what they meant by “Unlikable” was you can’t cheer for her. She’s too flawed. A character doesn’t have to be likeable to tell a story. Humans are messy and that’s exactly what Camille shows. But publishers don’t always want that, especially for women.

That’s cool! I saw a few of those but missed some. I hate to sound like one of those “In the book” people but I usually am but in this case I am halfway through the book and will finish before Wednesday when it’s due back at the library (where like 5 people have holds on it after me)...but in the book there’s always a

I guess? I’m speeding reading the book right now. I’ll have it finished before the 2nd episode and I went in thinking it was a bought a recovered cutter who was writing a story about dead girls and her past haunts her. I didn’t realize part of that past was going to be a fucked up mother. There are times I have to

I miss Court TV.

Are you a grown woman who still has issues past and present with a narcissist mother? If you are in any way you’ll apperciate “Sharp Objects.”

The one they highlighted at the end was vanish. In the book vanish is the last word she cuts into her skin before seeking inpatient help. However in the book she cut it across her chest, like right under neck.

I read an article last night that I got because I asked if Amy Adams’ cutting scars were either CGI or prosthetic and turns out they are prosthetic. But within the article Flynn mentioned she wrote the book 10+ years ago as a response to all the “Chick Lit” that was popular because she hated that shit. But she had a