Annie’s a BAMF. My kind of lady!
Annie’s a BAMF. My kind of lady!
Yes. This is what makes the harassers so angry. Leslie is thriving and happy(when they don’t think she deserves to be) while they are miserable and pathetic. They want to drag her down. It’s so important that women (and in particular women of color) hold each other up with an outpouring of love and support when this…
You’re being the worst right now. This happened because these whiny hackers are shit for brain cowards and terrible people. Full stop.
It is a great idea because it is a bad idea. Kanye is most likely going to do something stupid and obnoxious. Half of what MTV puts on air can fit into the category of stupid and obnoxious (I’m not hating on MTV I love trashy television). This is an on brand decision for them. It’ll bring in views.
:( I hope she is ok.
If you know you’re inclined to cheat SO MUCH SO that you’ll admit it on a popular radio show, why not just go the extra step to be a decent fucking human being and start practicing ethical non-monogamy. Some people just aren’t monogamous and that’s fine. Be honest and don’t be an asshole. Damn.
Oh my GAWWWWWWD. I laughed so hard.
Words carry connotations based on how they are used in society. If words are used in an offensive way (easy example: The use of the word colored during segregation) they become offensive. There are some great breakdowns of how language evolves in posts above. Also a great breakdown of why the term people of color…
No. When a non-Black person calls you colored or Negro to your face they most likely call you something much worse behind your back. It is known.
Yeaaaaaah. All that thread did was make me “nope” out of Gawker and go straight back to Jez. It happens every time I accidentally end up there.
Why would you eat so much of any delicious thing that you 1) did not make yourself and 2) don't know the origin of or even to whom they belong? I feel like anything that happens to you after doing such a thing is simply called justice.
He is so fucking gross. I feel for her family that they might be exposed to his bullshit “I should have been more empathetic” statement. He doesn’t care about her or her death he’s attempting to use this as an opportunity to further try to clear his name. That’s what I read as he describes being a wiser 35 year old…
They’re preparing us for a full on police state. They target vulnerable communities, communities most of America does NOT care about (communities of color) to practice their swat and harassment tactics on. They push the limits to see how far they can violate peoples rights and disrespect the constitution. They’re…
She wasn’t doing nothing, when I read the article it sounded to me like she was trying to move out. What she probably didn’t realize (because the information isn’t widely circulated) is that it’s smart to make an escape plan as opposed to being transparent about moving out. The problem is an escape plan requires money…
I know that there are programs (private run/charities, not government run) that rescue women from domestic abuse situations. I wish we gave those programs better funding. I wish that it were a mandate that police give information to women about these programs when they respond to a call. I was extremely paranoid when…
Every time a Jezebel writer that I love leaves I follow them on Twitter (if I’m not following them already). As a result my Twitter timeline is lit and I visit Jez less often. :/
Sad for us! Happy for you!
Chelsea is awesome.
She isn't relatable at all. She's a republican.