Yikes! Saints preserve me from ever having a “friend” like Kim Kardashian. Way to make someone else's heartbreak all about you and your needs.
Yikes! Saints preserve me from ever having a “friend” like Kim Kardashian. Way to make someone else's heartbreak all about you and your needs.
I was really into this and then the Spanish started happening and I melted. I am TOO OLD to be this attracted to that KID. :( I feel gross.
Queen of petty. I love Mariah.
I do not think of Harry Styles’ new haircut.
This made my day. Adorable!
“I’m not a libertarian!” I've never loved a man more than I do right now.
The wording they’re using to describe his experience in prison is fucking foul. I’m supposed to feel bad for this motherfucker who sexually assaulted a teen, got off light for it, and only went to prison because he violated his parole? SERIOUSLY? That motherfucker should have been in jail for longer than 2 months. His…
I had a co-worke give me this look whilst chomping into a peach a few years back. Fucking gross! And laughable
Women are kicking ass on GoT and I love it. That speech Sansa gave Jon! She told him that she’d lead her own fucking army if he was too chicken shit. LOVED IT!
I love this.
I’m glad she’s ok. I imagine there’s a lot of pressure that comes with being a Black country kid on an engineering scholarship at one of New York’s best schools. AND being a woman on top of that. In one ear you have your parents/family telling you how proud they are (in other words you CANT FAIL/don’t fuck it up). In…
I don't want Micheal to die! TEAM MICHEAL! Dependable guys are awesome. Raphael is a chump.
This really makes me angry. It makes me strongly dislike people, a feeling on the verge of hatred both for that cowardly ass waste of a man as well as “some neighbors” and their casual/brutal criticism of the mom. Fuck those people.
Yessssssss. Followed.
Good. I hope the same thing happens to Sleepy Hollow.
Ew, Drake. Wyd?
I’m not interested in arguing. We can agree to disagree. Both of our opinions have valid points. Good day, sir/ma’am!
There is an AP interview from 2011 where she talks about how she appreciates the support but sometimes would prefer if her fans toned it down. That’s the only thing I can find through a 30 second google search although I recall another instance of her directly asking fans to stop bad behavior. Maybe I dreamt it.…
Why is Beyonce supposed to be responsible for what a bunch of crazy randos do? She did ask fans to lay off years ago when they would not stop tormenting Keri Hilton. It didn’t work because they’re not doing this for Beyonce. They’re doing it to be petty and to entertain themselves. “Defending” Beyonce is just an…