
Cheese on the burger would be nice as well.

I never cease to be amazed at how intimidated some men are at the idea that women are people too. I just don't understand what's so distasteful to them about it. Privilege is a hell of a drug.

Did he say “eating wine”? Is that what that quote says? I loathe him.

It's very possible. I wish I had a time machine to find out for sure (but not really because fuck that time period).

Paper bag tests. Hahahahahaha!

Yup. My family loves to claim Native American blood. I did a DNA test and found that we don’t have any! South African, West African, Scandonavian, Russian, Korean. I think most black people claim Native heritage because WHO WOULDN’T when the likely truth is that your ancestors were victims to the monstrousities of

All Black people in this country who are the descendants of American slaves have mixed racial ancestry. Not all of us are Biracial and most of us wouldn’t describe ourselves as that no matter how we look. My dad is fair skinned with blue eyes. Both of his parents are Black. He is Black. My best friend’s mom is Black

If you are told from the beginning that a child’s placement in your care is temporary and that the goal is reuniting the child with their biological family to pretend and convince the child otherwise is deeply selfish and irresponsible. In my opinion, that is a form of emotional abuse towards the child.

This is so disgusting. I’ve lived in the Bay Area all my life and specifically in SF for 6 years. As a Black woman I can’t wait to get out of this city. Unfortunately gentrification has it’s sights on Oakland next which breaks my heart because Oakland is beautiful and lively and interesting. It has everything that San

I don’t understand what you’re trying to say in the context of this article. Minorities should just accept white fright? No big deal getting shot in the streets of the city you grew up in because “cities change”. Please tell me that’s not actually what you meant. I'm not trying to call you out or pick a fight or

She's so weird! The bunny ears, the way I can't understand most of the words she sings, the obvious talent... I'm so confused. But it's endearing? She makes me laugh and she's laughing too. Doesn't take herself too seriously. I like her.

Queen. I love her forever.

Yes! YesYesYes. Yaaaaaaaaaaaas. :)

From what I hear this is true racially (at least a little bit) but what about in terms of gender? One or two fully fleshed out characters that are men of color is more than enough to check the diversity box for most people. It’s still not enough to interest me personally. My world is bigger than that and I prefer

I hope he's ok and makes a full recovery. :(

Ugh. I love her love her love her love her. Standard blew my mind when I first heard it and my appreciation for the song only grew as I latched onto the words. Love that she’s being recognized as a producer as well. The boys club of music production needs to be ended immediately and in its place we should have a more

My white male roommate tried to convince me to watch this show. “It’s so good!” He said. My response to him was that I’m bored with TV and movie plots primarily focused on white men. For a long time that’s all we were ever given and it’s BORING to a mind numbing level. If he’s still intrigued about the white male

I snore.

I can’t stand Charlemagne. He’s so consistently awful and he plays dumb just for laughs (his own) and his own sense of entitlement. He does this crap just because he can and that’s worse than if he said these types of things because he was legitimately stupid (he’s not).

I’m not a Kardashian fan and to be quite frank I don’t give a fuck about her selfie but I respect the fuck out of her for this response. “I will not live my life dictated by the issues you have with my sexuality”. YES KIM. YES. I agree so hard with her on this point. Women can be complex human beings if we want to