
I was in elementary school at recess. A bunch of the teachers had gathered together and a few of them were crying. I asked what was wrong and a classmate told me. It was weird. To this day I’m weirded out by it.

This is wonderful. Thank you for making my day. <3


Yes and that is why he’s boring. Not necessarily as a person but he’s boring for television. I’m not saying he’s awful. He’s seems like an ok dude, just painfully predictable. My theory as to why I’m so bored with this season is that I don’t actually hate the guy who is playing the part of the Bachelor so I’m not

Ben is boring and Jubilee is so not boring. She’ll find someone better suited.

That makes sense.

I hope so.

Those sunglasses she is wearing the heck out of in the desert!!! I have a mighty need... :(

Ugh. Just say no Kerry! I know it has been said but an evening of POC handing awards to white actors does not fix Hollywood’s diversity problem. It’s going to be hilariously bad. I don’t want any of the actors I admire near that mess. :(

I think it is, but that’s a personal preference. I’m in the camp that thinks people should listen to music and decide for themselves what they consider good or not.

No one buys records anymore. Billboard can either update the way they calculate their rankings or hold on to the past like that one annoying grandpa most people have...

They need all the help they can get I guess.

Needed Me is my shit as is Consideration and Yeah, I said It.. This album gives me so much. I’m going to need more music from female artists about the glory of sex and/or love on your own terms with no apologies or need to bend to traditional social constructs. I love it.


1. Beyonce tricked me into watching a Coldplay MV and I’m mad about it. I still love her (and she looks gorgeous) but I feel betrayed.

Ugh. Diplo wishes.

Me too!

I looooooooooooooooooove

How evil do you have to be to kill a person’s son and then turn around and sue them? Evil is the absolute correct word.

Consideration is fire.