
No, saying that all Africans are and were white or "pitch black" is historical revisionism. Seriously, there's more genetic diversity within Africa than there is outside of it. The San, the Yoruba, the Zulu, the Nubians, and the Kikuyu are not identical to one another.

Egypt is on the border with Asia and Africa and on borderlands, there's always genetic flow. See Afghanistan and quite a lot of the steppes. There were really dark skinned pharoahs when Kush invaded Egypt and set up a dynasty. There has always been a variation of colour since forever. But it's not right to use

There is a temple in egypt with preserved painted walls and it shows egyptians as red in contrast to nubians an sub saharans as black skinned depicted in the same wall

No. They did not depict themselves as black in the early dynasties. The Nubian pharoahs were later. It is sheer ignorance to claim that a continent as large as Africa was monocultural or monoracial.