
Peter Stormare in "Constantine" or GTFO.
Tilda Swinton as the Archangel Gabriel was also perfect casting for an androgynous divine being. As boring as Keanu was (always is) the casting for the rest of the film was spot-on.

I love the appropriately paradoxical nature of the Tennant-Moffat-Davidson family dynamic. The Doctor married the Doctor's daughter, whom he met while she was playing the Doctor's daughter, and subsequently she gave birth to the Doctor's daughter.

Well I believe, and I believe strongly, that there is nothing sadder than a frog plucking a banjo. That's about as sad as you can be.

Have there been any other significant villains from the Classic show who have NOT made an appearance yet, other than Omega? (The Fendahl, perhaps?) I guess there is also the Rani, the Valeyard, and the Meddling Monk, but there are extenuating circumstances to explain why an appearance of other Timelords is exceedingly