
We have a very nice Bessie, vintage 05:30 this morning.

Maybe they can divert money from their fat cat education and social programs? You know, non-essential stuff that allows poor people to take money from honest taxpayers.

I suppose they might have a case if he had just shanked the kick into the sidelines or something, but it wasn’t like he blew that last play. Or is there an unwritten rule about how close you can be to a game ending screw up that negates your right to tell your counterpart “good game”?

I don’t generally care if people choose to risk their lives jumping off of high shit, but jumping off a building in a city is fucking irresponsible. There are people down there who did not make a choice to have some thrill-seeking hipster with a bad chute land on them from 70 stories up.

Unless your hard drive is completely full of nothing but the OS and preloaded software, I’m pretty sure managing your data on that drive is your job. Judging how large a hard drive you need is 100% on you, and it’s why Acer sells a wide range of machines with a wide range of storage capabilities. Don’t blame them

Ya, how can you expect a sport that maintains stats on the number of times the seams on a baseball rotate per pitch, on Tuesdays, in October, after 3PM, to do something as complicated as keep track of their employees hours?

I can totally see how you buying a laptop with a small hard drive is a problem with Windows 10.

I’m sure that somewhere in the multiverse there is one reality in which this turned out well for them, but probably only one.

“Hey man, I didn’t insist that they diversify the slave population on the plantation by including some Irish or Pollacks. Folks should just chill.”

This just in.... “dating simulator” makes like look sad and depressing.

Film at 11.

I can’t see any possible problems with depicting a player as a gorilla in a sport with a high percentage of black players.

Civil War: A movie in which superheroes who know each other to be practically invulnerable, punch each other a lot anyway.

The article would have benefited from some sort of explanation of why the weapons were viewed as OP and why these guys flying around zapping people with heat weapons was any different than flying around zapping them with lasers or missiles.

Many MUDs generally encouraged players to screw each other, or at least they made it easy to do so.

Old school MUD PVP would send modern MMO players crying home to mommy. Complaining about griefing? How about when you are killed by another player, they can take everything you own, leaving you to start naked and

I’ve seen this trend in games where the objective is largely to kill as many things as possible, yet be unoffensive while doing so. Who knew that there was a political correctness requirement for mass murder simulators? ;)

That’s mighty Christian of them.

He shouldn’t have been wearing that skirt with those heels.

I believe the AirPods have an expected-time-to-loss of at least one pod that can be measured in hours.

Sir, I would like to order one of your pie holsters.

They keep saying he was “beaten brutally” and “beaten to a pulp”, but honestly, it looks like dude took one or two decent shots in the face. That’s hardly the face of someone who took a sustained beating.

I’m not saying he deserved it (he totally deserved it) but it sounds to me like the “beating” is being exaggerated.