
Tragic McBackstory.

The "incentives" program just seemed to be kidnapped family members of the Cybertek workers. The new guy looks terrified and is asked why came, then told that nobody ever turns that program down. As Skye saves Peterson's son, the bearded guy who she was interrogating ran into a separate room and tearfully hugged a

I've been outed.

Louie made me feel awful, because I knew immediately why he and everyone else around her wouldn't view her as a sexual entity (or even as a person), and she was charming and delightful, but I know flat out that I'd feel the same way. And I don't think that's going to change. As a straight white male who usually sleeps

If Terminator 3 taught me anything, it's that no matter what we do, we can't change the future, just postpone it. My face and genitals are doomed.

Well, that makes sense.

I am not letting go of Six Seasons and a Movie no matter what people say. I might've been able to do it if Harmon never returned or if this season was scheduled to be its last, like NBC seems pretty fond of doing with its shows now. But after Paleyfest and the amount of (unusual) positivity from Harmon and Sony about

This show is Bonded out, with John Logan writing, Sam Mendes producing, and Timothy Dalton, Eva Green, and Rory Kinnear starring. I wonder who else they can throw in there to make fanboys squee.

Oh my god, I feel so dim for not even making that connection.

I'm a fan of everyone involved and I really enjoyed the first episode, but it's pretty hard to watch the show and not think about League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. It's essentially the same thing, down to the grizzled old African adventurer, the American crack shot for hire, Mina Harker, Dorian Gray. Hopefully this

I can understand disliking how the door is essentially shut on the series, but how doesn't it mesh with what's established on the show? It seemed to me to be very much in line with the show regarding the characters, their intentions and actions, and the story itself seemed like something to could've happened in later

Serenity is fairly beloved. It just took from us one of the best characters and pretty much cemented the story as having an end. To me, it felt like a great reintroduction and send off for the characters.

I was a fan of his music during the mix tapes and EP, but now his ego has gotten out of control and the music has dipped in quality. He just seems to be unraveling and becoming a worse person.

Poking a bear there, man.

I. Fucking. Love. John. Oliver.

If Stewart weren't calling these people out on their bullshit daily, nobody would be. "News" articles about the hypocrisy on Fox News usually are just links to The Daily Show clips.

It'd be an easy target if people weren't continuing to be brainwashed by it. As of now, its a just target.

I say we let all of these people drift off into obscurity. There's not a single one of them that deserves a McConnaissance.

He says, "Say hi to his mutta."

Sounds like you're still a New Yorker.