maybe I am pathetic. But at least I am not like you clueless and utterly disconnected from reality
maybe I am pathetic. But at least I am not like you clueless and utterly disconnected from reality
Lewis Carrol wrote a book in which a character said, "words mean just what I want them to mean" Sadly this writer was prescient, because for large numbers of people in this country, this is a reality. A person chooses to engage in a tragic, destructive sexual perversion known as homosexuality, and that person…
MR05 Sad blind squirrel clueless liberal democrat troll. Incapable of any kind of reasoned intelligent remarks, simply insults. REAL WORLD, homosexual "marriage" is only a recent form of cultural insanity. Who knows what damage this is going to do to our society. The biggest problem, readily apparent, instead of…
MR05 Sorry you poor blind squirrel deluded liberal, but REAL WORLD, Kim Davis WAS doing her job as required by the laws and the constitution of her state, and WAS fulfilling her job requirement, issuing marriage licenses to any man and woman coming into her office asking for one. . Her "crime' was not complying with…
MR05 Sorry, did not preface my remarks with the words REAl WORLD. REAL WORLD being any kind of a pervert, whether it be a homosexual, necropheliac, pedophile, or whatever is very much a lifestyle choice, that is doing serious damage to our country. If a statement of REAL WORLD facts makes me a bigot, guess that's…
So do you also believe in the Easter Bunny and the tooth fairy and Santa Claus? Or are those not "facts " in your liberal world?
MR05 Sorry, but REAL WORLD, Kim Davis WAS doing her job. Her "crime' was not complying with an edict passed down by a black robed oligarch, and not turning her back on her faith an embracing the official state religion, secular humanist hedonism
MR05 Story Book? Gave up reading Grimm's Fairy Tales years ago. I, like most people don't have any dislike for homosexuals. Just don't like the sexual perversion they choose to engage in, and what homosexuals as a special interest group are doing to my country. How does that make me a bigot?
MR05 Might want to come out of you mother's basement once in a while, and tone down on the weed. You are really delusiional
MR05 Please do not be concerned about my "perception of reality". It is based on 69 years of life, 69 years spent as a Christian, years spent trying to keep informed on the issues of the day. Years studying current liberal junk science fads, and making a good faith effort to find out if they are based on reality or…
Bogira REAL WORLD any sentient being capable of an intelligent thought or any kind of common sense, if they closely examined the "facts" of anthropogenic climate change would know, instantly that those "facts" are bogus. As for creationism versus Darwinism, both require serious leaps of faith to believe. as for "…
.Bogira yes in the fantasy world in your mind maybe I am wrong, but in THE REAL WORLD, I am not. Try connecting with the REAL WORLD sometime, might find it interesting. Maybe come up with some REAL WORLD example just how the right is ant-science.
Bogira REAL WORLD. No the right is not anti real world science. They are against the strange, twisted junk science the looney left uses to push whatever agenda is their current fad.
battybrain REAL WORLD Citizens United and Obergefell v. Hodges, are two entirely different cases. Citizens United was a successful effort to restore the first amendment rights of one David Bossie,Obergefell v. Hodges,on the other hand is an effort to impose on the citizens of the United States an unconstitutional and…
Bogira Sorry but the right IS NOT anti- science, It is anti- liberal world junk science. which the left loves.
battybrain Please let's try and look at REALITY. REALITY is in the 2008 presidential campaign a man by the name of Dave Bossie released a video about Hillary Clinton. The movie was not too flattering, so when Dave tried to use an organization called Citizens United to distribute the video, Hillary found a pet judge…
Chindogu Please reread my one post, like I have read yours. Someone with an attitude like you do about Christianity, with all your exposure to it like you say you have, has missed something very important, maybe such as a real relationship with Jesus. I apologize if I have offended you. Just trying to understand…
battybrain The Moses example you find irrelevant, was a quotation by Jesus, quoting Moses. Tell me just where in Christ's teaching does he say you can just do whatever you want, just ignore that whole sin thing just let everything hang out and do your thing. He says "ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of…
battybrain Name one law passed either by the citizens of her state, or their representatives either in the state, or Washington DC that Kim Davis violated. The duly passed laws in her state, and the state constitution clearly state that marriage is between one man and one woman. Those laws have not been changed, and…
Rom. 1:26-28, "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and…