Marchman v. Cruz

this is a mind-numbingly dumb take by alex, who is an idiot.

Tucker owned this loser.

I think unions had...their place. I’m sitting at my desk right now structuring a staff matrix and I have poor performing union employees that I am handcuffed with. I can not give my top performers more pay/hours because these people have been here a little longer. It seems the longer people are on staff with the

Trade unions are designed to control the supply of available labor in order to artificially increase wages, regardless of the actual available labor supply. This protects the few at the expense of the many.

Man, you guys are obsessed with Brady

Thank you for sharing this. Anyone who reads the comments on these articles regarding the issue of free speech around Israel will witness real and frightening anti-Semitism mixed in with criticism of Israel.

You mean, like boycotting uber because they ...??????....

“Lose their fucking shit”

You try living in Arizona sober.

In all fairness, I think everyone in Atlanta is showing up to work drunk nowadays.

I believe that an Alzheimer’s sufferer doesn’t remember something far more readily than Hillary Clinton’s lack of memory.... 40 times .... about her email server:

So if I continue to disagree I get punched? VIOLENT!

You lefties sure are violent.

Banned from commenting. They’re very fucking rabid at Jezebel.

Quick sum-up: “I don’t like the President and have a bunch of imaginary scenarios in my head. Therefore, don’t join the military.”

You can crawl back under your liberal elitist rock now.

Lets take this to the extreme, what if every person in the country followed your idea not to join. Would you be better off? Probably not.

On the other hand, the current SecDef is actually quite delightful. Wish he was in charge while I was in.

Great idea! And the next time someone flies a passenger jet into an office building, we can all hunker down together at the Gawker offices, writing angry editorials about it.

Reporting on the comment section. What a job.