Marchman v. Cruz

Go Prez Go!

Pardon My Take is better than anything Deadspin has going on. Now go back to posting Hulk Hogan sex tapes and complying with gay porn stars to extort Conde Naste executives.

Barstool > Deadspin

You didn’t really explain why Mattis is a bad person beyond working in the administration. My understanding is that he is a generally good person who is respected by pretty much everyone (except bloggers who wanted to the list to appear as long as possible).

The true baseball heroes like Ted Williams and Joe DiMaggio only have a WAR of 1, because the only WAR true baseball fans care about is World War II. Let me know when Mike Trout kills a Nazi.

Folks get offended too easily.

How brave of you to post a comment mocking the easy target that is the NFL despite not even considering the possibility that maybe they know something we don’t about the situation.

Medium take: you can knock over someone bigger than you who isn’t bracing themselves off you have a running start

The solution within every one of Hamilton’s columns: “Join a union.”

Also blanket calling that belt of people all privileged racists probable didnt help.

To be fair, those stigmata wounds in his hands open easily.

And you’re so fucking stupid that you don’t realize that “ironic +1s” still count as +1s.

You defend Alex Jones, whine about how all law courts are bad, and whine in general. Why should I think different of you?

So? You’re a worthless sack of shit. When bad things happen to you, it’s good.

Like you would listen if I did. There’s no point. It’s probably not true, but you won’t listen, and I have better things to do with my time. You are shit, and your family is shit.

I don’t need to. I can go to sleep happy knowing that conspiracy theorists like you will always blog and post from a studio apartment or a trailer park.

Justice obviously didn’t prevail; I’re not in jail.

I have a feeling that there’s a reason that you’re divorced and the court took your kids.

No, don’t think I will, fucking idiot.

They’re failing because the cable business model is dying.