
Here's a fresh bagel, troll. Don't choke on it. :)

Um, can you quote, underline and bold anywhere in my post where I brought up a 360 and say it's comparable to a PS4? Cuz, I don't see it.

I'll have to retract what I said before. I thought that the PS4 would show the game in 1080p, while the XB1 will show it at 720p. I didn't know that the MS box would upscale it to 1080p anyway (with the PS4 being native). It definitely IS just nitpicking and I'm glad the devs focused on 60fps which can make any game

I don't ever want to give developers a pass for selling software with bugs. Consumers should not be the ones to test their game. And it's more disheartening when you add that the developers have had experience with online multiplayer, not some indie guys that had no idea their game would blow up and crash their

And people wonder why gamers are never taken seriously? *SMH*

It's depressing how vain people are. Show some respect and think about where you are before you start taking snaps.

My bad.

It's almost like a bad Photoshopped image, but it's not and it's blowing my mind.

When I was as kid, I used to collect football cards. I had an issue of Beckett magazine that had a short story about sending letters and cards to team facilities with the chance of getting replies or even signed cards back as long as you enclosed a SASE (or self-addressed stamped envelope to you kids out there).

I think it's more important to note that both XB1 and PS4 games run 60fps. That makes the game run smoother and faster. The resolution issue is still an issue, but not the biggest one. Since both games are priced the same, I'd rather go with the game with native 1080p just as a value standpoint, but honestly, you

It's hard to really quantify why so many people are hyped about this particular game. But what I do like to point out is that the people who have played this game said it feels great, moves great, looks great and is greatly satisfying to kill people and mechs. More often than not, these people have mentioned it's like

Yep. That settles it. I'll be getting an Xbox One on March 11th, 2014. ;)

Now that was priceless.

I would gladly pay someone talented to paint these kits. The finished product speaks for itself.

This was so awesome. Thank you, gifted bearded one.

I'd love to have Finley back on the field playing football, but I'd definitely be ok with him just enjoying life with his family and not ever play football again. #YOLO

Both Katy Perry and Zooey Deschanel have BEAUTIFUL eyes. Just sayin'.

I love you, Tami Taylor.

Does anyone know if everything you earn in the beta carries over? I wouldn't bother with a beta if all that work I did is for nothing.

I think the main idea to take away from this is not to give children your iPad. In-game purchases got the best of my buddy and his kid after a marathon session of Plants Vs. Zombies with an older cousin. And as much as he bitched about it, I told him it's his fault.