
I think we both proved that if EA has no competition, they just get plain lazy.

I was thinking of picking up the newest Madden for the 360, after years of not giving much thought to the franchise. I love football and I guess I'm just tired of just screaming at the TV. The juke-move-commercials helped, too.

I watched the first episode and thought, "Eh. It was nice," and never gave it much thought. It was also a bit jarring watching it soon after watching people get eaten on Attack on Titan.

I've put in a lot of time and effort being competent playing Gears. From 1 to 3, I improved. And then Judgment came out. Needless to say, I quit the franchise as most of my friends and co-workers did.

It's one thing to shatter expectations, it's a whole other thing to blatantly lie about it. Yeah, I'd be pissed off buying this game expecting everything I saw (demos, marketing, etc.) to be true, only for it to not be. And I had no idea the whole hoax-thing included Metal Gear Solid 2 with Snake/Raiden as well.

The irony of this video is too much.

I'm picking up my jaw from the floor. This game is gorgeous and reminds me of the kids books I used to read to my daughter years ago.

I was thinking the same damn thing.

Y'know, I was in the COD camp for a few years, but the new indie movement has definitely changed my perspective. Really looking forward to Transistor, specifically. This one, too.


WTF is that?! OMG. The poor car...

I honestly wouldn't even want to take a car like this out into the street. I'd be too concerned about getting the usual nicks and microscopic scratches from just normal use. If anything, I'd just be satisfied taking one out for a spin and just enjoying the experience of driving the car, rather than owning one.

Me, too. I know it'll hurt my wallet but having undependable connections and speeds for the duration of the contract feels so much worse.

That is weird.

I'm really disappointed with Sprint's service. I live in the SF bay area and it's gotten to the point where my phone is only useful when there's a wi-fi service I can hop on to. It's gotten to the point where I'm considering cancelling the contract and eating the cost because I'm not sure I can deal with service this

I don't get the conflict. Driving fast on a public road is reckless since the road is accessible by the public. It's not a controlled environment so any number of variables can and will happen. And unless you've spent each and every second on said roads practicing different scenarios/situations, a regular driver going

Err, I was talking in general. Not just Kotaku. Not just gaming sites. In general to the whole gaming population. Like COD, world-wide sales general.

Maybe I'm in the small minority, but I think I'm burnt out by the ultra-realistic graphics so prevalent nowadays. I mean, it's become a running joke that if you want 3D, ultra-real graphics, just go outside.

I've had a crush on Dakota since Ben & Kate. I actually liked the show enough, but her character was what kept me watching week after week. Glad to see she got this role.

I gave up trying to figure them out. If it can still play games and let my friends and I hang out and play games, I'll be satisfied.