And another person suffers from VVS. I don't like judging people, but seeing this makes me think less of whoever bothered to press record and capture something cool.
And another person suffers from VVS. I don't like judging people, but seeing this makes me think less of whoever bothered to press record and capture something cool.
My wife's 94 Corolla is about to die, so I've been convincing her to try out other cars and not just blindly get another one. She kept saying, "No thanks. I feel at home in a Corolla," which never made sense to me. When I get home, I want to just sit on the couch and watch TV. This same feeling doesn't apply to my…
Hey Raphael. What site do you go to to create these gifs?
I saw Sara live for the first time a couple of years ago and it was awesome. Anything she does live is GOLD, to my ears.
Ahh, I see. I think there was some miscommunication as far as me commenting on the PS4 conference and you talking about MS at Gamescom. Thank you for clearing it up.
Huh? I don't know what you're addressing. How they can't have cameras showing crowd reaction because it'll show PC's hidden under tables or something and blow their cover?
I have extremely high hopes for this game and have been chomping at the bit for any crumbs of information. Can't wait to play this with real-life friends as well as those I've fought in the trenches with online.
I'd like to thank the folks that were directly responsible for Gears of War 3.
I'm not an experienced multiplayer shooter gamer type. I've played just 5 (3 were sequels), but I have logged a lot of hours playing them. I care about how I do and how my team does to an extent, but I have to admit I like lone wolfing it. I also don't listen to teammates (you all know how the general population on…
I was being silly when I said I didn't want to. Of course, I'd get the game for PC if I had a gaming rig since it'd save me $500.
Um, whut? I should get the PC version? Because I don't want to.
I doubt it'll impact it too much. Price is the only thing keeping me from getting a XB1 Day One on day one (ha!), especially now that I'm sold on it with seeing how Titanfall pretty much dropped everyone's jaws (again).
I had to listen to the conference since it happened while I was at work.
I'm in the exact same situation. My PS3 died 4 months ago and I've been tempted to get another one since so many games I want to play have come out within that timespan. Ni No Kuni, Dragon's Crown, Tales of Xillia, The Last of Us… all of which I'm missing out on.
I'm not trolling the headline at all, but I thought it's kind of funny — All fighters, from my perspective, have absurd characters. I suck at fighting games, but I still love 'em.
Please, please try them as adults. Please?
Since I live in the bay area, 30-40k a year wouldn't cut it unless all the editors and reviewers live in one huge loft and share rent.
Feel free to have the last word after this post but I read that you were telling Fahey to just re-do his playthrough on the 360, regardless of how many hours he already sunk into the PS3 version, calling him lazy for not just switching over. It's fine to say that the excuse for a late review was lame, but you were…
You're criticizing procedure, not quality since we're talking about excluding the 360 version. That's where the whole entitlement theme comes in. Kotaku doesn't owe you anything. They don't owe me anything. Monetizing readership? Maybe it's because I'm part of the older generation, but I don't put much weight on that.…
Maybe you should ask his boss, then? I agree with what you're saying so maybe he already notified his boss about the glitch and they both agreed to wait. I'm not privy to that conversation but I doubt Fahey just decided to sit on his hands and not do anything cuz it broke.