
Same here.

Why do people still shoot video vertically? This bugs me so much... it's like looking through a shoebox. Pro tip: shooting video vertically tells everyone that you have no idea what you're doing.

Well, yeah. I meant, it'll just be any ordinary house protected by locks and glass windows. I guess nothing is really burglar-proof. What I'd do is just create a fake "this house protected by _____" mini-sign on the front lawn and hope for the best.

As a matter of fact, if electricity were 100% reliable, having a doorknob that has no lock, but instead is opened by computer would be far more secure than a traditional's way easier to pick a lock than it is to hack into a system.

Maybe it's my paranoid side, but connecting anything to an online network will make it vulnerable. Granted, houses and cars are vulnerable already, but it's still unnerving that there is a chance that someone from a great distance can take control of something you own, just by using a keyboard.

Not sure if I'll get flamed but the FIRST thing I got for my car when I bought it last year was a Broadway mirror. Made world of difference and I got one close to the same size as the factory mirror.

I don't know if this is even relevant, but doesn't this open up the consumer console to hacking and modding? I know MS will probably put in some sort-of fail safe or lock-out but is this even a concern?

My previous point (and reply) is pretty clear — this is something they should've done in the beginning. It's also hard to believe that they did all this just because of Xbox gaming community said so. I can only assume that they listened to gamers, then thought about the bottom line and said, "Y'know, maybe it'd be a

No, I'm saying they should have already from the get-go. They did, just now.

Change is great and even though I didn't agree with most of MS' changes for the XB1, I still have to commend them for trying to move forward. But news like this… something that should be the norm, is not making sense to me. I figured that you should make your box easier to play with, not harder.

Dear lord, woman. Make an appointment and keep the crazy locked up at home.

I don't have a Wii U, tho and even though I love the MH series, I can't justify buying a whole new game system for one game and not much else (I've looked into it and none of the launch, present and future Wii U games appeal to me). I used to do quests with friends and help strangers online on the PS2. Man, those were

I actually see a bunch of panda hachi-rokus around my area. Two live in town. I managed to take a picture next to one while getting food at Trader Joe's. It's pretty cool but if you're gonna rock the Fujiwara Tofu Shop sticker, you can't half ass it.

I would love a new Monster Hunter on the next gen consoles (sorry, Wii U), but I'll hate all the wasted on it. 238 hours on my PSP was the last thing I remember.... Damn you, Monoblos Heart.

And it's gotta have that fluid-y, slosh-y sound when it moves and looks aroundd. Oh, man... nightmares for months...

If this guy can make the eyes look around and blink... then, I'll be impressed. And scared out of my effin' mind.

I missed out on this and Vagrant Story. If my PS3 wasn't dead, I'd seriously play this game.

So, this guy quit a day job that had long hours with so-so pay, only to find a girlfriend who taught him how to make street food and earn much more than he did before?

Hi all. Pardon my ignorance, but who did the artwork for the image above?