
Annnd I just read about the X-Men: Days of Future Past panel. I definitely need to be there next year.

OMG, Gargoyles. I loved that show.

Thanks, David. My buddy and I are already looking at this year's hotel price list so we can guage how much we're willing to spend on rooms. As far as buying tickets off their website, I might just take the day off and spend that day just trying to get a ticket — that pretty much determines if I can go or not.

I seriously need to go to SDCC. It's been on my bucket list for so long. I always come up with some excuse but after seeing what panels and artists and guest-speakers are showing up this year, I truly feel like I missed.

I love me some Attack on Titan as much as the next otaku, but doing that to a Ferrari is just… wrong.

Too awesome for words. Thank you for spotlighting him.

I wholeheartedly agree. I lost count how many times Waze was directly responsible for me avoiding traffic getting to work and home.

I bought Saga #1 on a whim, after reading an article about it. But for whatever reason, it just fell off my radar. And then I saw how much it's worth NOW and I'm curious how it jumped in worth so quickly. Reading this made me realize I really missed out. I'll definitely pick up the TPB.

I've heard and read the word bronies every now and then and just now learned what I the fuss is about. Adult males liking cute, colorful cartoons have been around for awhile. They're called anime fans (yes, I know I'm being simplistic).

Even though a lot of features are more about catching up to what MS did with the 360 and are on par with the XB1, it's still $100 less. So, depending on your viewpoint, the PS4 is either a great bargain, or the XB1 is overpriced (unless you're excited about what Kinect 2.0 will eventually do, which might make that

I think it's great. Being out and about everyday, you never know when inspiration strikes you. And most photographers know that some things just happen, and getting that perfect shot is immensely satisfying. If I had a pocket camera that I can whip out any time that's as powerful as this thing, I'd be a lot happier.

Reggie ain't got third party, that he can depend on.


Eh. Frankly, people that rage-anything when playing online needs to stop playing. I have no idea how or why getting that angry can be any fun. Sure, I get frustrated and my worst offense is saying "shit" a bunch of times... the type of nonchalant "shit" that I'd say to myself if I forgot something or spilled on myself

I think I'm in love with Monika Lee...

Holy shit. This anime is GORGEOUS. Every frame is stunning...

I somehow missed Steins;Gate! I looked up all your older recommendations and reviews but missed this one — the GIF already screams "watch me now". I'm definitely gonna check it out. Arigatou!

Just wanted to say, Richard... thank you for the recommendation posts. I haven't been this enthused about anime for a long time. Thanks to Kotaku and your posts, I found out about Attack on Titan, Gargantia, Bakemonogatari, Sword Art Online and now this awesome show.

I just finished the last episode a few minutes ago. Hated that it had to end. Is there plans for another season or is that it?

Yeah, that's a big asterisk that needs to be included in that statement.