
I wouldn't mind some fog nowadays since it's been so hot, particulary east of SF.

This is great, but still not enough to pay $100 for a camera I don't need and haven't been shown anything that makes me want one.

Great point.

I don't cheat. It just cheapens the experience. I'm average at best and I know I can be competitive if given the time (working full-time with a family and mortgage, but I still manage to be above decent in Gears) but it wouldn't sit well with me if I basically paid to be good. I like the feeling of accomplishment when

The second she replied that she didn't know how to turn on her headlights, dread came over me. I'm glad that everyone made it out unscathed, but seriously... she shouldn't be driving if turning on a headlight was a mystery.

Full disclosure: I saw the pics and thought, "Typical L.A." Then, I read that you get some sort of compensation. So… where can I sign up?

I've seen a lot of anime this year, I think the most ever. I tend to have peaks and valleys, but this year is different thanks to this section of Kotaku. I just finished Sword Art Online and thought, "Wow, not sure anything can top that." Before SOA, I just finished both Bakemonogatari and Nisemonogatari and thought,

I agree.

I know for a fact that I've hinged buying/not buying games based on demos. It gives me a feel for what to expect visually and gameplay wise. It doesn't make sense (to me) that game sales affect demos that badly unless the game was bad to begin with.

Thanks. I appreciate this.

If this is true, then it solves my problem. I do agree that if I'm customizing my character, I'd like to actually see it. So, having it in 3rd person in social areas isn't ideal, but at least a compromise has been met.

Haha! I like how you can dance… Reminds me of all the weird things you can do on Monster Hunter. I especially loved getting drunk in the lobby/bar before a quest.

Why don't you just get a 3-month subscription card? I think that's plenty of time to enjoy a game's multiplayer, then just let it run out when you're done? That's what I'm gonna do, just to save a few bucks here and there.

I agree that this would be extremely useful in a variety of situations, but… I can't imagine having that thing in my pocket all day. It'd poke me something fierce.

True, but honestly, as long as it's comfortable and intuitive, I can live with it.

Y'know, if someone came running up to my window (with obvious intent to endanger me and anyone else in my car) I would WANT some sort of weapon to protect myself.

And yet one more thing that I have shake my head upon. I game in a shared livingroom so talking to my Kinect and listening to my friends use expletives when they die is not an option. Even with PS4's flea market-looking earbud and mic, at least you can game and communicate without having to involve anyone in close

I'm not sure if this question has been raised, but since Titanfall is just a multiplayer game, at it's heart, will it cost less than games which have both single and multiplayer? Respawn mentioned that there's some semblance of storytelling mixed in with all the online mayhem, but I thought I should ask anyway.

Because some people, like me, have to share a livingroom. I don't want to have to yell at the Kinect to communicate with people I'm playing with. And I doubt anyone else would want to hear people coming and going around my livingroom. And lastly, I'm not sure I want everyone to hear what my

Not interested in Yeezus, but I am curious how an in-car review of Magna Cart Holy Grail would do?

THANK YOU for this article. I read the first paragaraph and thought I should give it a go. I finished Neko, then Bakemonogatari in about 2 and a half weeks. I seriously loved it, even when it devolved into... something else (that storyline with his sisters was pretty weird). But like you said, the art direction and