
The Xbox One showed some compelling games. Sure, the restrictions might be a deal-breaker to some (the price tag is not helping it all, either), but if they put out more games like what I just saw, I'll definitely get one someday. Just... not right now.

Slow clap to all the wanna-be experts that said that the PS4 is bound to have the same DRM restrictions that the Xbox One has. Before I get called out as a troll, here's my point — guessing about things you know nothing about is bound to bite you in the ass.

I have yet to miss a show as much as I miss FNL. I thought watching the very last episode of Cheers was sad, or not having E.R. anymore was tough... NONE can compare to missing the characters that lived, breathed and loved in Dillon, Texas.

I'll give you the argument for the Wii and Wii U because frankly, Nintendo hasn't been much of a factor in gaming for me, so I have no idea at all who their target audience was after the Wii was so successful.

It's not weird, but even Coach Taylor had to deal with Julie and I lost count how many times I've said, "WTF, JULIE?!!"

What I don't get are people that bring kids so young that they don't remember the trip at all. I guess it's mostly for the parents benefit — to have their cute kid pose and cry when Mickey or Goofy come around. But really… it's pretty pointless to bring your child when their memory of it won't stick.

Not sure about that. The Wii sold too well in it's heydey and when Nintendo tried to improve with the Wii U, well… everyone knows the rest.

Until Microsoft decides on server maintenance or for whatever reason, the Xbox One can't talk to the server on their end.

This is sad. It puts into perspective that whole thing about QA contractors and trying to get that dream job where you're actually part of the team, making real contributions to a videogame.

Don't you have to make decisions like this anyway? Y'know, the heaven or hell-thing?

Personally-speaking, this pretty much cements the idea of a holding pattern for me — I'll just keep flying around, looking down on how the Xbox One is doing for the next 12 months, see how gamers and the general public are adopting these changes, wait on more clear answers/solutions to these new problems MS has

I can't wait to see the tweet and blogs of the early adopters about how this console's rules fit in their day-to-day. I know growing pains are the norm for any new generation, but man… I haven't read anything that's making this console worth getting excited about… yet.

All these Xbox One news and none of them have been anything I care about — if anything it's even more confusing. I guess being able to turn off the Kinect is a plus, right?

I think people that are suggesting to go do other things if your Xbox One can't connect online and won't let you play anything is missing the huuuuge point.

It's the fact that something or someone else controls when you can play a single-player game. I know that my internet connection is pretty stable (as I assume the majority of gamers living in metropolitan areas are) what happens if things go down on Microsoft's end? What if they have to shut down said servers for

As a parent, I honestly don't know how this happens. I'm most definitely prone to forgetfulness, but I look at my rearview mirror so many times when I'm driving that it's hard not to notice anything in my backseat. And when I leave my car, I always check to make sure I didn't forget anything so I always take one last

This is exactly my plan for the next few months and wanting to replace my YLOD PS3 — wait for any price drops then plan on taking advantage of any Black Friday Deals this fall. I'll get new hardware to last me until the PS4 becomes affordable… whenever that may be.

I love cars and seeing someone slowly destroy a car's fender, undercarriage, tire sidewall, etc. for aesthetic appeal doesn't make any sense to me at all, not to mention that it's extremely unsafe.

I give this the best drift video award, for the simple fact that there's no friggin' dubstep track to be heard. Florence and The Machine is a nice touch.

I actually liked this movie.