
I think there was a picture of this thing online, just sitting on a white table — Hands Free Whopper Holder. I thought, "What the hell?"

Not just you. I hate reading an article and then there's this big break with a new headline that I half-read, before I realize it's an old related article, instead of part of the post I'm reading. It's distracting, for sure.

I literally left my house to get this comic at my neighborhood comic book store minutes after seeing that image — I didn't know anything about this series at all until reading this post and getting a glimpse of the artwork.

Do people still put weight on gamerscores? I mean, I'd see a high gamerscore on a particular gamertag and be like, "Wow", for a half-sec and go about my business. On the flip side, I've had my 360 since late 2006 and to date, I only have about 7000 points. I try to play a lot of games, but getting achievements are

Part of me wishes Monster Hunter releases a console version on the next gen platforms — slaying Rathian and Rathalos in glorious HD in the comfort of my livingroom with several friends online sounds like a blast. The other part of me wishes this never happens as having to slog through egg quests, cooking food for

I want to be optimistic and Sony did well to lead me to that path during their PS4 conference. But seeing as how MS dropped the ball so badly when they had the upper hand during last gen… I honestly don't know.


I know Mr. Totillo posted this as a service to everyone, but honestly, I chuckled when I read the headline — coming back from a great 3-day weekend, it's great to know I can actually turn the Xbox One off.

Indeed. That is one beautiful woman.

"Look, I've seen some complaints that the press hasn't been hard enough on Microsoft."

She'll never be Connie Britton to me anymore. She'll always be Tami Taylor.

Right? I have no idea either. It's hard to get attached to characters, only to see a titan chomp down on them.

Attack on Titan sold me on a Crunchyroll subscription. Really great anime — Sundays can't come soon enough. The opening is extremely catchy and this guy just… wow.

I had an NES that I remember fondly, subscribed to Nintendo Power and GamePro for years and have kept track of the game industry as well. But growing older, I realized that I really can't say shit unless I've actually experienced it myself — like actually have it in my living room and see how it fits in my day-to-day.

Really? Nails in coffins already? Gotta love professional-amateur internet analysts. Some of the early newsbits aren't positive, sure, but geez. It was just announced yesterday.

Huh. I guess borrowing games will be out of the question, too. That sucks.

Ah, steaks. I love 'em and have actually found a quick way to make them at home without having to go out and spend $20+ on a plate when I can make them better (for me anyway). I start off with using a small pan, heat on high with a few spoonfuls of olive oil. I rub some steakhouse herbs on a nice cut of filet mignon

A clever dick and a dumb dick are still just dicks.

THANK YOU so much for recommending Attack on Titan. It's too awesome for words and I'm only on the 4 episode. Can't wait to see what happens...

Yeah. You can't get mad at anyone BUT yourself when you go online to surf, only to come across some headline or fragment of a blog that reveals something that you don't want to know about until later. JUST. LOG. OFF.