
I think Bungie's Destiny hit a cord with me. I never liked Halo and the universe Master Chief resided in so I didn't think much about their new game until video and artwork from the game came up. Bungie has really lofty goals for this game and the co-op sounds really interesting so I'm definitely keeping this game on

I'd love to read her feedback. Follow up, perhaps?

This very true. So yeah... keep doing what you're doing.

Wait, wait… THERE'S A SEASON 2?!!

This was a great read. I'm already excited with Watch Dogs and this story definitely has me chomping at the bit.

This is the best post to read when you're feeling sorry for yourself for feeling old (like me) and wishing to be young again. Because then you'd have to deal with peers like this.

Nice! I couldn't get a nice sharp frame. Too bad it's not the real plastic box… yet. Any idea what size this thing is? My buddy said it reminds him of a Roku.

DEFINITELY, no smoking. And I've been successful so far in enforcing the no eating in the car rule — my car is still fairly new (2012 Mazda3) so people just let it slide, but I doubt it'll last. I just hate finding a stray french fry under my seat or seeing a mysterious ketchup stain suddenly show up.

Why, oh why did I click on this page? I need an eyewash.

I know, right? I've had Tomb Raider for 3 weeks and I think I'm half-way through.

Nah, it's a middling issue. I've been gaming since I met her so she shouldn't be surprised that I still do and will probably keep doing so. The only things that have changed are my priorities.

It's a constant battle and she's blowing things out of proportion. It doesn't help that she has brothers that lock themselves in a room, playing WoW all weekend so she's trying to keep that from happening with me.

I was playing Tomb Raider at the time. Putting down the controller for a legitimate discussion on how my habit isn't something so unhealthy (I game only 3-4 hours a week) that it has to stop at a certain age, wasn't an option.

What about the earring-thing? Let it go at 40 or keep rocking it? It's such small stud, I forget I'm even wearing it and it's so common nowadays that I don't even think people notice.

My wife, during our conversation about what age I should stop wearing my small diamond stud earring on my left lobe (I said 40 — I'm 37 right now) actually asked me, with a straight face: "What about this videogaming thing? How old will you be when you finally stop?"

So multiplayer is just reduced to high-tech stalking? And if I can visit another person's game-city, does that mean I have skin options (since we can't ALL look like the main character)?

With E3, I assume everything is scripted and/or pre-rendered, unless they call out that it isn't. As ambitious as it sounds, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt until November.

Gears of War: Judgment.

Stay classy, Filomena.

I was just thinking that. Yes, she does . Very gruesome.