
Anyone excited about this? I haven't been interested in Gran Turismo in years and the last one I played was GT3. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that Polyphony Digital needs to try something else, right?

Honestly, I'll probably wind up getting both since Sony and MS offer exclusives that I don't want to miss out on. At this point, E3 will help me decide which box to get first.

I cannot wait for this game. And that wallpaper is STUNNING.

THANK YOU for the Initial D reference. Made my day.

No, no, no! Dear god, no.

Because you can only choose ONE, damnit!

This was very awesome. THANK YOU.

Can I BE anymore in love with this girl? Seriously.

For me, I want a console with the widest choices of game genres, be it RPG, first/third-person shooters, action/adventures, sports, what-have-you. I don't particularly gravitate to one or two types of games, but I like having a lot of choices.

I get that.

So you haven't experienced any problems with it? Nothing that would make you want to throw your keyboard at the screen?

Ok, so you haven't dealt with anything major? I think Totillo mentioned losing a whole city he created (which a lot of hours lost) because of server issues/glitches? That would be the last straw for me. I've had game saves go corrupt for whatever reason and it's the worst feeling. Ever.

That's just evil.

I just want to know what is it about this game that keeps people hooked? I'm not trolling or judging — just wanted to know what kind of secret sauce this game has that has REAL frustrating bugs (as Totillo posted last April), but yet is still engaging enough to keep coming back for more?

My PS3 died months ago (YLOD) and this deal would be awesome if it wasn't for the PS4 coming out soon…

I'm surprised A&F is still relevant. I don't see anyone wearing this brand at the mall anymore.

The Cortana pic could've been better. Something is off with this image…

I've heard about Beyond: Two Souls last year and I was never really interested.

Y'know what, I tried to tweet a response to Couric, but you're right… it's not that easy to tweet what positives playing a violent videogame may be. Saying it's a "stress-reliever" sounds like a cop-out, but it's true in my case.