Zero sympathy for this guy and anyone else who can't end their own life — I know it's an extremely complicated issue and I don't want to argue about this guy and his mental health so please spare me the "he's-a-victim-crying-out-for-help" reply.
Zero sympathy for this guy and anyone else who can't end their own life — I know it's an extremely complicated issue and I don't want to argue about this guy and his mental health so please spare me the "he's-a-victim-crying-out-for-help" reply.
I can say that implementing Twitter and Facebook on 360 was a huge waste of time. I turn the machine on to play games and watch a movie or two, not tweet or "like" posts.
Didn't she just talk about how a star doesn't have to take your clothes off to be sexy? Or is she really saying she isn't a star so clothes be damned?
I'm kinda over Gran Turismo so it'd be nice of Polyphony Digital started doing something else? Anyone with me? Hellooo?
I seriously hope it's something important, because hearing his name just makes me want to NOT take him seriously.
Reading the "There's No Shame In Renting" made me ask, "Since when is it shameful to rent?" I've been employed for years *knock-on-wood* but I rent all the time — it's even influenced games I bought. Demos are also things I download all the time, too.
I hope these guys did go to the police, because who knows if that crazy camry driver is still doing that to other people on the road.
I actually bought my PS3 and 360 way after their respective launches. In fact, I still remember the day that I was at a friend's house and we played some co-op Gears of War, which pretty much sold me to get my own console and jump on XBL. With the PS3, I needed a Blu-Ray player to go with a new HDTV (I played my 360…
THIS sounds awesome! Congrats on your wedding and I hope it's as fun as you described it.
I'm not sure if the camel is just trying to figure out if the little girl's hair was food or not, but I'm glad she wasn't hurt. Gotta love her adorable laugh, too.
That's pretty crazy. Glad to see no one was hurt.
Exactly, It's a fun, summer movie. I can't wait.
I'm actually more curious about the charges — I had no idea you could be charged for not reporting a dead body. Granted, he's been living with a corpse for months, but… what if I found a dead body in the woods, but don't report it? I could get charged, right?
Spelling helps immensely as well. It doesn't apply to this example, but yeah… spelling goes a long way.
This made my day today. THANK YOU.
I would totally subscribe to this. Please make it happen.
Gotta love how the Toyota dealership is adamant with getting documentation about oil changes when it has nothing to do with the broken part in question.
Watching the Link Miyamoto video, I can't recall when I've ever been so excited for a videogame that I kept yelling, "Ohmygod! Ohmygod! Holyshit! Holyshit!" I was actually jealous.