I really dig Velvet's character design. Man, an HD Odin Sphere would be awesome. Dragon's Crown will have to do, crazy proportions and all.
I really dig Velvet's character design. Man, an HD Odin Sphere would be awesome. Dragon's Crown will have to do, crazy proportions and all.
If the price is about $400 - $500 for the box, I might have to wait a year. Never was an early adopter, especially when it's for something that costs so much.
I could care less about the "always-online" feature. But since nothing good has come out of that yet, I'm leaning towards MS being safe, than sorry. What does irk me is having Kinect integrated. I've read/heard somewhere that different SKUs might be available, which would be great — having choices is always a good…
With this and a fan-made opening-credit sequence for this movie, something tells me Man of Steel will either be THE movie of the summer or it's got some genius trailer editors.
So it kinda ends on a happy note — the recipient, who's obviously an ASSHOLE since the sender said so is still loved, always.
Did that really end in "Love ya always?" or was that added for effect? It's just hilarious how it's tacked at the end.
I was actually one of those kids that had a red Countach Lambo poster in my room. It didn't exactly age well, but I still remember seeing one on a class field trip, parked across a 7-11 and I shrieked like a little girl.
This actually made me laugh. THANK YOU.
I think what the author pointed out is this politician does not have any common sense or else he wouldn't have said such a stupid, ignorant and obviously racist comment.
It takes someone with tremendous talent to make a couple of brush strokes and paint blotches to make you see Snake and all the rest of the characters.
Gears of War: Judgement is the only game in my library I thought about reading this story. I seriously hope it's a typo, but what's funny is, I wouldn't be surprised if it's not.
That's a steal, considering I can get an Anthropologie chicken coop for $1,499! Anthropologie Chicken Coop
I'm not sure. I do remember some hairy kids when I was in 8th grade. But not with that hair, tho. In my day, you'd get the crap beat out of you for a comb-over like that.
I side with the school. It's a friggin' weapon and it's used for violence, whether it's about self-protection or hunting or whatever — you KILL things with it. I don't see how it's NOT violent.
At first it was a bit shocking to hear their own uncle say these things. But honestly, I'd be mad, too. Extremely upset that my own relatives… my blood… caused this much grief and heartache to countless others. For what, exactly? I'm still having a hard, confused time, trying to figure out what I'd do in this…
I never saw this before but it sure is one of the dumbest things I've seen people do on the road, just to show off.
Holy shit. Where did you get that gif from? I can't stop watching it… *hypnotized*
Please, please… send this article to this friend that gave the most disrespectful, superficial and downright fucked-up reason for not including you in the wedding party. And tell her that she better take care of her friends because once that divorce finalizes 6 months from her wedding date, she'll be crying all by her…
My PSA for the day: Just because it sounds clever/witty/funny inside your head, doesn't mean it sounds clever/witty/funny out of your mouth. Or worse, on Twitter, where everyone can read it. Common sense is such a lost art form nowadays…