
Me, too! I YLOD'd a few months ago. The news of the PlayStation Meeting came and I thought I'd wait and invest in a PS4, especially when they said it'll be on sale this year. But, talk of not being able to play PS3 games nixed that idea. As far as the "bugs" I was talking about, I misspoke (or mis-typed). I think I

My eyes tell me that the distinction isn't THAT huge. Comparison videos are fun, but what are we really comparing? Lighting? Textures? More effects on the screen? Unless I'm actually looking for those things, it won't take away anything from the game. Now, I KNOW that as the PS4 gets older and developers get used to

I tried keeping my PS2 but it just hurts my eyes to use it on a HDTV. Tried to finish FF-XII on it and I couldn't do it. And uh… I've always done as I pleased and I figured everyone else does. *shrugs*

I think you missed my point. Since games are coming for both the PS3 and PS4, it puts the new console in an awkward position — would you rather spend $59.99 on Watchdogs on the PS3 that you own now or $399 (*fingers crossed*) for the PS4 + $59.99 on the game?

I get that, but don't you think that'll affect the PS4's sales during launch? I don't want it to crawl right off the gate, y'know? I guess we'll see this holiday.

I think the awkward phase between having the PS3 around and the PS4 launching will definitely raise issues. Why invest on a PS4 now, with all it's bugs and launch problems (and it WILL have them, don't be naive) when you can get that same game for your PS3 and play now? Granted, you'll have to concede some features

This was the conference I wish I saw.

I'm not buying anything unless it has the software I want. Games ALWAYS come first for me, so touting the biggest hard drive, fastest processor is all great and good, but if they don't have the games that I like, then it's no sale.

I'm all for not having my hand held when I'm playing games. I like discovering new things on my own and feeling that sense of accomplishment for figuring something out without any help. But this doesn't and shouldn't apply to ALL games.

"Revengeance is a weird little baby, born of Hideo Kojima's conceptual sperm and Platinum Studios' womb." Oh the picture these words paint.

Take a hint: If your name is "Chad", stop with the fake street cred talk. Even your dog is embarrassed of you.

I think Stephen nailed it by not bothering with previews that "offer eye-blinks". This just goes without saying — I wouldn't want to hear about a game unless there's actual evidence there IS a game. But I'm more than willing to read an in-depth 4-hour play-through of a game like Bioshock, for sure… even if it's still

I think a lot of you are missing the point. These are still college KIDS. I'm all for motivation but putting hands on a kid is unacceptable (all because he's having a bad game?). There's a very fine line between motivation and abuse here. I don't want my kid to think it's ok to take that ish from someone "cuz he's my

I have a short list of phones that I'd like to upgrade to, but one of the main selling points is how great the camera hardware/software is.

Yeah, I wondered this, too. Thanks for clearing it up. I thought they just went off to another part of the prison until Rick stopped waving his gun around trying to yell at Ghost Lori.

I think a Gears spinoff, using Anya's POV would be great. Gears 3 showed me a little more of her personality and it'd be great to explore how she got to where she is and how the Locust invasion affected her and her decisions.

Great job, Boyd. Hope your kids learns nothing from you when it comes to sportsmanship. Heckling a youth league hockey game? Get a life. Heckling while holding an infant? Get a CLUE.

People that bring back games infested with roaches or happen to be wet needs to be slapped upside the head with a rolled up copy of the COMMON SENSE Times.

Longest Facebook posting I've read in a long time without PERIODS. What are they teaching these kids in high school?

After reading the article, the Model S should be priced at a discount for the East Coast since Tesla obviously haven't thought about what harsh weather can do to its batteries. When I get into my car, I shouldn't have to do complicated math and try to guess how much juice the car will eat up when it's 30 degrees