
The fact that you have to worry about temperatures, as well as range and whatever other factors that can render it "bricked" is just another reason why it'll be a really, REALLY long time before I'm convinced about all electric cars.

It's just these kids dumb way of getting attention. Congrats to their parents and overpaid college tuitions for bringing up such great model citizens.

I get it. He should've done his research before he returned anything. But even I have to admit that I wouldn't have thought too much of it because transferring e-purchases on a Sony or MS machine is a lot more "forgiving". I don't get where Nintendo thinks that tying anything up to a physical machine that can break

The fact that you have to Google Nintendo's incompetent way of tying your e-purchases physically to a machine IS buffoonish.

You nailed it. I think I'm more de-sensitized if it's a glorified, over-the-top violence. From what people tell me, especially a close friend of mine, he started to care for a few of the kids and when they get killed, it's all the more.... disturbing.

I'm very worried about Epic. Lots of people leaving the studio. Extremely questionable choices regarding the direction of the next Gears of War game and now this. Changes are obviously going on inside their walls, but I have a feeling it won't be good.

I have not seen this movie, partly because I don't know how I'd feel watching kids killing each other (I have a 13 year old) but EVERYONE tells me it's really good. *conflicted*

I'm sorry, Nintendo, but this isn't how you're supposed to treat your die hard fans. You're already really, REALLY late to HD gaming and now, hardware-locking people's e-purchases is one really big con to an already substantial list of why the Wii U isn't selling more than it should.

I agree with both of you. Paying x amount of money for a car doesn't ever justify parking like this, taking away space from someone else who might/might not ding your door. If door dings are such an issue with you, then park farther away or, heck, LEAVE THE CAR AT HOME if you're that concerned about it.

You're making it sound like it's not a big deal. THAT is the whole problem. It is a BIG deal because the shirt is offensive and if this guy was so nonchalant, so ignorant of what he's wearing and its affect on women, then solely his fault. Being dumb and ignorant about it doesn't excuse him from anything.

I think the lesson here is that uneducated cops are douches.

I don't see how converting your car to right-hand drive is asshole-ish. First off, it's expensive. Second, having to get used to driving on the right side must not be fun. The trade-offs are probably only worth it to people that really, really want it for whatever reason.

I tinted my all my windows to avoid the harsh sun and keeping out unwanted heat. Granted, it's not "blacked out" like the picture, but it does have its advantages.

I think you should add something to the "Maintenance" section and it's something pretty obvious — clean your camera phone lens. There's nothing attractive about looking at a picture that looks like you're looking through a grimy, smudged window.

Cops are trained, regardless of the situation to BE CALM in these instances — sure it's hard, I'm not disputing that, but they need to be calm and in control because the public's safety is at stake. They're around to protect us, not throw procedures out the window because the suspect's car color matched this

Aww jeez. Did they have to run over James Earl Jones?

Don't. Feed. Trolls.

I agree with what your father is saying. You can't ever know what it's like to be in another person's shoes. I tend to be much more forgiving if the waitress is obviously busy with other tables or just generally stressed, maybe even forgetful. That's fine and I get that. But no one deserves to be treated rudely. The

I take a few days off from social media (I only have Twitter and FB) for days at a time, simply because I want to actually tweet or post something meaningful (to me, anyway). Why? Because I see the boring and dumb things people post and I don't want to contribute to it.

If nothing else, Benjamin, this is a pretty cool story to tell your kids about.