I’m open minded about what people bring to a car show as “enthusiasts” cars, but a Focus with 15” aftermarket wheels or a 4 door Integra really? Thanks Mr Regular for pointing out the bullshit of tinted lights.
I’m open minded about what people bring to a car show as “enthusiasts” cars, but a Focus with 15” aftermarket wheels or a 4 door Integra really? Thanks Mr Regular for pointing out the bullshit of tinted lights.
Uhhhh.... we said “worst car,” not “CLEARLY THE GREATEST VEHICLE OF ALL TIME”
At what point did any burnout, spinout, brody, or power slide become called a drift?
We have reached our cruising altitude of...and we are now beginning out decent.
Look at Michael turning this into a practical post. BAD NEWS there is like no magic way to kill bed bugs, especially in all the nooks and crannies of a car. I would hire professional bug people. In theory somehow making the car get really hot (without setting fire to it) would cook the jerks... if you can park your…
Ps3 Xbox 360? It was out a while ago
While the mods on PC are impressive, what you’re describing just sounds stupid.
Because Fast and Furious is better. That’s right, I said it.
Why not... wait wait, I know, it’s crazy but just let me get it out... why not just... *gasp* have all the cars available in multiplayer?
I mean, get rid of the invincibility of it when you’re using it in MP and just give it average stats.
Wait, you wrote “not true” then didn’t refute his post, and then pressed publish like you were dropping the microphone?
These movies are ripe for some type of parody a la Airplane.
then the passenger floor pan flies out from under the car....
Disagree with all of them. Almost all of them look great in pictures. Except the damn Cherokee.
Dad, get off the Internet.
It looks like the Youbian Puma fucked a Mustang