Went over to Buick's site and got an Encore instead.
Went over to Buick's site and got an Encore instead.
that's a perfect execution?
I think Cadillac is plotting something like that.
New Jersey /was/ under a driving ban. Raph do you ever research? Shouldn't you work for CarThrottle instead?
I love The Smiths!
Wait who?
Lead pic:
Aren't the first three the same thing?
If you've never auto crossed a Geo Storm GSi you've never lived.
You're speaking my language!
v6, not hybrid . . .
Zippy McWheels approve.
The one in the avatar is red, not orange.
Hey look, no turn signal either!
The entire Audi lineup!
So 80's it's wonderful.
You sure you've been here and not somewhere else?