Arg. Nice design but lamenting the news of the possible cut of the Fiesta. If this is will be the smallest Ford has to offer my buying options are very narrow. (Long story short... I have a tiny city garage.)
Arg. Nice design but lamenting the news of the possible cut of the Fiesta. If this is will be the smallest Ford has to offer my buying options are very narrow. (Long story short... I have a tiny city garage.)
From the Italofranco word for “a four door SUV pretending to be a two door car.”
Why can’t we have more 2 door (3 door hatches) cars!?!?!?
I agree. It was my one huge problem with black panther and now iron man. For characters rooted in practical science, explaining things away with magical nanites that somehow break the laws of physics is starting to lose me in the narrative.
I don’t understand how ALL of them can’t be thrown out just for the reason of not having proof of the driver.
I second that.
Wow... this makes me want to buy a sedan... very nice subtle details and lines, like the subtle bulge at the rear haunch and the way the C pillar blends into the back....
Oh sorry, supposed to say something like, hey you know what it looks like? A car.
Feel like the tail lights should be flipped but otherwise.... want.
My wife almost did this the other night with me screaming to stop in the passenger seat. (Different rock though)
Exactly. Although I would say cars have been designed for us to drive them.
I tried bicycling without my autonomous bicycle...the damn thing blew up!
Thanks for this writeup... I think automous tech can have huge benefits to cars if used sparingly and effectively. But I have had huge doubts that roads will turn to being exclusively autonomous vehicles.
The world would be greatly improved with beautiful cars such as this on the road.
I like it when it follows the natural lines and seams of the car but it’s become too often it just looks tacked on.
I think this would have been a much more logical design advancement of an Imperial fighter than the ones used in Star Wars: The Force Awakens (despite the lack of twin ion engines)
I wasn’t saying we need to get ride of ride-hailing apps, I was lamenting the fact that it’s taking money away and eventually funding away from public transit.
That’s too bad, as a lot of people that rely on public transit, can’t afford to rely on ride-share services.
The only autonomous mode I want is Traffic Jam Mode.
I want this so bad!
No haggle only works if all dealers of the same model are required to offer the same price.